Could not update or install latest version Volumio on Raspberry Pi3 and Pi4

I have Rpi 3b & 4b both working fine with version 3.324 and recently I tried to update the Rpi 4b to latest version but the process hanged in the middle. It couldn’t startup after power reset. I download the image and write to the sd card using Raspberry PI imager. Put the card into the RPi 4b and the volumio loaded and I can hear the Volumio startup tone at the monitor speaker but the UI didn’t display on the monitor. I can access it via the web and but it only showed a circle with a pointer in the middle going round and round.

Put the same SD card into the RPI 3b with the same situation.

Tried download and write the image again and again for more than ten times with different image writer with the same result.

Please help

Try with another SD card.

Tried another 128G SD card. Display stopped at the login. The green LED on RPi 4B keep flashing continuously with no specific pattern. Can’t link to the web UI.

Did you flash the SD with Raspberry Pi Imager?

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Seems ok then. There is no local default UI on RPI. Connect from a other device on the same network and install touch_display plugin

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tried to connect via volumio.local for almost 30 mins without success. Will try again. Thanks.


did you perform the initial setup connecting to the hotspot or with ethernet?

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otherwise you can use the Volumio app on Android/iOS, the configuration of a new device is guided

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I used Volumio app on iphone and android phone, both found the volumio wifi but reported connection failure.


Finally, I put a new image into the SD card and put it in the RPi3B. It boot successfully and can perform initial setup. Thanks all for the help.