Contribute by Translating Volumio to your Language

The Dutch translation is not good. I’ve improved that translation but will test it properly first before submitting it.
Also for the English: I noticed that plugin is mostly written as “Plugin” but at least once as “plugin”. As far as my knowledge of the English language goes it should be “plug-in”.

This is not clear for me: I don’t have that path and the languages.json file. “The right locations”: what is the right location?
I access the MMC card on my laptop with Mint.

I thought I’d contribute to this great package by translating it into Portuguese for which I have submitted a GitHub pull request. I checked all the translations before making the request, however, didn’t get a chance to see them in action as I couldn’t find the appropriate paths on the system where the files should be uploaded but can do so once the request is merged released in a future update and if necessary correct any errors that went by unnoticed.

Thank you guys! Suomi and portuguese added!

Hi !
Abode problems with the menu buttons name in Norsk, Magyar, Russian and Ukranian languages :frowning:
menu knobs trouble.JPG


Here Korean Language File.

Thank you (5.35 KB)

Fixed all translations and added new ones! Image coming soon

Hi all,

just finished translating to Slovenian. Having troubles testing the translation . Here is what I did:

Logged in to volumio as user: volumio, password: volumio via SSH (putty):

Copied the created frontend file locale-sl.json to volumio@volumio:/volumio/http/www/app/i18n
Copied the created backend file string_sl.json to volumio@volumio:/volumio/app/i18n
Copied the edited language file languages.json to volumio@volumio:/volumio/app/plugins/miscellanea/appearance (replaced the old one)

At this moment I can not identify where to copy and replace the frontend language initialization (index.config.js) file. I am sure this file is needed for the frontend translation to actually work.

Please advise,

Best regards,


I could translate to Valenciano , just a doubt.

If I translate with Github method, there is no need to develop the UI, right? I will just to add the locale-XX.json and index.config.js, add the lang code to languajes.json and restart, that’s right?

Yes, but you need to edit also the backend configuration on the Volumio2 repo

I want to make new translation (czech), but I cant find language initialization section for UI in index.config.js
Where do I find it?

the best way is to fork from github.
2 files to be changed. Use the english copy it and rename it locale-cz.json
If you don’t have a githud account, just download theses files, modify it , zip and post here

I have cloned from git and did copies for my language, that’s fine. I just wanted to follow the guide in the first post, and haven’t found that section… And maybe test prior pull…

Ok, so I have figure it out. There is nothing to change (necessary) in index.config.js. That part in the first post How-To is missleading, it is worth editing (my opinion, off course).

My two cents to localization:
I would let a translation author decide on capitalization of first letters. The rules for that differs between languages, for example in czech we capitalize just the first letter of the first, unless other name (like Wiliam) occures. There are exceptions, but not relevant for Volumio. I didn’t have good grades form czech in school and I am unsensitive to various mistakes in spelling, but the capitalization in UI just looks wrong :slight_smile:

There also tend to be some other minor details in localization topic, like using decimal dot or decimmal comma, thousands separation etc. But those are really details :slight_smile:

Pull request with Czech translation is coming very soon.

Hi there, i recently completed Turkish translation via github :slight_smile: I hope it helps Turkish users…

Hi there, i posted Slovak translation via github. Slovak in slovak is ‘Slovensky’. :smiley:


Ukranian language update (9.99 KB)


I had contributed an updated Spanish translation for the Volumio2 UI on GitHub yesterday, and I was forwarded here.

After further reading on the guidelines for how to create it, I’ve followed it and I have exact replicas string-wise for locale-es.json and strings_es.json (they have the same amount of lines as the English counterparts and in the same places). But after uploading them to volumio I can’t get it to boot. I’ve proof read both files several times, and they don’t appear to have any typos anywhere. No matter what I try, it errors with the following:

[spoiler]info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[object Object]
info: [1517927416332] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding element Youtube
info: Loading i18n strings for locale es
throw err

SyntaxError: /volumio/app/i18n/strings_es.json: Unexpected string in JSON at position 1259
at Object.parse (native)
at Object.readFileSync (/volumio/node_modules/jsonfile/index.js:69:17)
at CoreCommandRouter.loadI18nStrings (/volumio/app/index.js:1547:25)
at new CoreCommandRouter (/volumio/app/index.js:65:10)
at Object. (/volumio/index.js:34:21)
at Module._compile (module.js:570:32)
at Object.Module._extensions…js (module.js:579:10)
at Module.load (module.js:487:32)
at tryModuleLoad (module.js:446:12)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:438:3)
at Module.runMain (module.js:604:10)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:389:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:149:9)
at bootstrap_node.js:504:3[/spoiler]

I honestly don’t know what else to try. I’m attaching the files hoping someone else will review what’s wrong and get it to work. Thanks in advance.
translation.7z (4.78 KB)

Thank you very much. You had few errors (I know, they are really hard to spot):
missing comma line 183 in locales-es.json

missin comma in line 25 in strings-es.json
missin comma in line 45 in strings-es.json

A suggestion is, you can paste the content of the file on and it will tell you where the error is

I noticed however you don’t have the same number of lines in strings es and strings en (172 lines in spanish vs 310 in english).
You can take the full strings en from here: … gs_en.json

I am reviewing them for you, thanks !
This is the update of the UI file you sent me: … abea7c9135

Dear Michelangelo,

First of all I want to thank you for all the work you do for Volumio.

I wanted to help you with the Turkish language.

I wishes success To everyone in this project.

Best Regards.


Languages_tr_json_v2_348.tar.gz (9.4 KB)



Hi michelangelo.

I have updated my Turkish Language.

I corrected the look of the main menu.

In Turkish, the capital letter i is the same as the lower case letter i (i).

strings_tr.json.tar.gz (6.65 KB)

Volumio_tr_mainmenu wrong appearance.png

Volumio_tr_main menü_right_01.png