Contemporary optimizations plugin for local connected displays

I did a fresh install of Volumio 3.324 and then install the plugin, now work flawless!

For anyone wondering, I just installed in on a fresh install of 3.378, and it worked perfectly.

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Please, can you anyone help me with hiding these two buttons can’t fit in.

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Thank you so much for this!!! I absolutely love my Volumio now!! Great work!

Volumio 3.396 on a very old laptop :slight_smile:

Here are my screens:

Does this work on latest Volumio? I get
? Do you want to install this plugin anyway? Yes
No package found
volumio@volumio-pi4:~/contemporary_advanced$ volumio plugin install

The discussion above is about the plugin called Now Playing, which is available from the user interface section in the plugins menu.
Edit: some of the discussion above.


Are you modifying the app*.css files in one of the www folders like? /volumio/http/www/styles/? I tried making an addition to those files and it worked when using the classic skin, but not yours.

A useful addition to your configuration options would be to allow the user to modify min-height for webkit-scollbar-thumb from 10-50 just like you did with the width of webkit-scrollbar. This will make it much easier to use for those with a small touch-screen and a tiny scroll-thumb with long music library lists.

I managed to make it work when using the classic skin, but not when using your modified one.

I’m using a 3.5" touch-screen with my setup. Here’s a photo of the classic skin scrollbar thumb height. This used to be about 10px before I modded the css file and it was impossible to touch with your finger! It’s about 10px high using your mod 2 and about 20 using your mod 1.

What do you think?



Just to clatify, does this plugin work on new release of Volumio? looks like I can’t install it on my version
do I have to use Now Play or anything else?

I wouldn’t know if this still works.
maybe you can try the now playing this is almost the same.

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It did not work for me.
I switched to the ‘Now Playing’, which can be configured to be almost the same (at least for what I wanted)

Plus the million extras @patrickkfkan has included in the plugin. It’s an essential part of the Volumio experience for me.

Hi, I’m interested in how you managed to get the touch screen to work on the display under that glass. I liked your work, so I would make something like that too, but I would use my existing x86 computer that already has volume on it, I would just add an 11.9-inch display and that front glass.

Hi together,
I have update the plugin to work also with Buster 3.569
Best regards


Hi 2aCD, it’s good to hear from you again. Happy new year!


Thank you very much!
Installed and working!

I liked Now Playing, but this plugin (2aCD’s plugin), for me, is better.

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after 2 weeks of trying I’m at the verge of despair ;-). I’ve made a (see my post about quick and dirty volumio player). I used the same display as user @lausiv mentions in his post, a 1920 x 480 8,8" hdmi input display. What I see now is this:

. What I’d like to see is this (same as @lausiv has) : album on the left, larger album title and song title font, playbar on the right of the album, not running through it. So like this:
. I have downloaded and installed your Contemporary plug in and have downloaded, unzipped and placed in my /volumio/http/www3/styles map the app-313de2febe.css from @lausiv which should do the trick. Note: there was not a file with the same name in this map, but a file named app-c62fe8a2c1.css. I have A) replaced the 2nd file with the file from @lausiv, B) left the second file and copied file from @lausiv in the map etc. However all to no avail. No matter what ridicolous values I place in the contemparary plugin, both my built in HDMI panel, my now playing screen on my PC from 192.168,178,xx AND the preview screen on my PC from 192.168.178.xx:4004

remain the same. What am I doing wrong? Am I too old to understand it (I’m 69 :wink: ) or am I doing something basically wrong? Is there a Kindergarten steps / monkey see, monkey do way to solve this problem or should I have to live with this. Your help is welcome. Should you need more information please ask.

Upgrade to the latest stable version, as the cover image hovering over the progress bar was already solved. It was a small offset left over for a certain purpose in an earlier release.

Hi 2aCD,
Love your work and thanks a lot

When we search for something with “Manifest” UI it shows us some suggestion boxes to scroll down to that section of the search, Is it possible to add it to your mods too?

Hi @2aCD
first time install the Contemporary advanced 1.0.7 on Volumio 3.661.
when I enable the plugin, it shows
“can’t activate, unsupported version”,
do I need to wait the updated version or something wrong ?

thank you !

Hi @dewen
it seems it needs an update. I’ll look if an official download of the new Volumio version is available. Otherwise it’s possible related files changed again.
Best regards

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