Forgive me if this has been asked before but, I couldnt find anything online.
I am a bit of a noob when it comes to Volumio and raspberry pi stuff in general but I am using a raspberry pi 4 to stream my music from tidal with good success.
I wanted to add a touchscreen monitor in order to display album artwork.
Now, does that mean that I have to use something like the official raspberry pi 7inch touchscreen monitor and build my own streamer (and connect my pi4 to the monitor with the ribbon cable)?
Is it possible just to connect a small touchscreen PC monitor to the HDMI out port on my raspberry pi and download the touchscreen pluggin?
I thought with the second option, I would have a lot more choice when it comes to monitor size and quality.
Many thanks,
Hi Andy, welcome to Volumio. 
Either is the answer.
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Thats good to know,
Thank you!
Just a quick follow up;
It worked! At first I was getting a blue flickery screen but it turns out I had a dodgy cable!
If anybody else is thinking about purchasing specifically the ASUS VT168h touchscreen monitor to use as a touchscrren monitor with volumio then I can confirm that it works!
Im not a programmer by any means, but I had to learn how to add the following lines in the config.txt file:
hdmi_cvt=1366 768 75 3 0 0 0
and AFTER this, install the volumio touchscreen plugin.
I hope someone else finds that useful! Thank you chsims1!
This was very helpful. It got me on the right track for installing an ASUS VT229H touchscreen. In my case, I added the following lines to the config.txt file:
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