Ho acquistato un prodotto italiano dando fiducia al progetto, ma mi ritrovo così, non c’è una minima spiegazione/illustrazione delle features in italiano (non fa fico??) solo in inglese con termini tecnici che non tutti sanno (pur conoscendo l’inglese), ho veramente bisogno di assistenza perchè è un prodotto cui tenevo (comprato solo a giugno scorso…), ma così NON SO VERAMENTE COSA FARCI…(l’app va in crash molto di frequente in ogni caso)
Tutto questo mi impedisce di usare Volumio anche selezionando altre sorgenti (al momento solo webradio ed i podcast forniti dall’azienda), perchè appena faccio play , ricomincia tutto il casino che ho illustrato. C’è qualcuno che possa aiutarmi???
Google translated for you, most discussions here are in English
E 'from last week, I do not remember well if after performing the last release of the update of July 16 last, that I can no longer play any song from Tidal. Various messages arrive: the reproduction of an infinite quantity of songs that I have not even selected, then the message “unexpected end of JSON input”, then “user’s doesn’t have a valid session” started. Volumio seems crazy because all these messages last minutes and minutes and I am forced to close. I logged out and logged in, nothing … I uninstalled the app and downloaded the app … nothing, I logged out on the laptop leaving only the app on the phone … nothing …
I purchased an Italian product trusting the project, but I find myself like this, there is not a minimum explanation / illustration of the features in Italian (doesn’t it cool ??) only in English with technical terms that not everyone knows (despite knowing the English), I really need assistance because it is a product I cared about (bought only last June …), but so I DO NOT REALLY KNOW WHAT TO DO … (the app crashes very frequently in any case)
All this prevents me from using Volumio even by selecting other sources (currently only webradio and podcasts provided by the company), because as soon as I play, all the mess I illustrated starts again. Is there anyone who can help me ???
Ciao Franco,
nell’ultima versione ci sono alcuni problemi, é stata rilascata una versione di test che li ha sistemati. Penso che a breve verrá rilasciato un update ufficiale che dovrebbe risolvere gran parte dei problemi.
In alternativa, magari prova ad flashare sulla sd-card la versione precedente, che a quello che ho capito non ti dava problemi.
Hi Franco,
there are some issues with latest official release, but a test-version has been released and those issues were solved. I think an official update will be released soon, most of the problems should be solved.
As an alternative, you could try to flash previous version on the SD-card, if I’m not wrong it was fine for you.