[Closed] Meet Odroid C2: newest member of Volumio2 platforms

or: the first 64bit-based Volumio 2 Audiophile Media Player
And when some call the C1+ fast, this one screams :smiley: :smiley:


Hardkernel believes in the Volumio Team and supplied us with an engineering sample, which arrived last Friday.
And engineering was necessary, starting a roller coaster week, from a sample Ubuntu image to a fully loaded Debian jessie based Volumio OS, including some necessary kernel hacking on the way.
The principle idea of having a first and complete 64bit media player system had to be abandoned, as it would have meant to re-compile all Volumio packages and libraries for arm64.
Instead, the C2 uses a dedicated arm64 kernel, based on the one supplied by Hardkernel, running the standard armhf rootfs for Volumio 2 on top (already known from the PI alpha and beta versions).
It is perhaps not the most efficient way, but fully functional and OK for a first release when Volumio 2 becomes available.
At a later stage, presumably after the Volumio 2 release, all Volumio packages and libraries will be re-compiled for the arm64 platform.
This way we can have a pure arm64 kernel and rootfs, perhaps also paving the way for others. Like the RPI 3? :unamused:

The biggest challenge was Hardkernel’s kernel version 3.14.y (note that overlayfs was officially released for 3.18.y).
It lacked the support for the overlayfs filesystem, something Volumio 2 cannot do without.
The C1+ already had that issue, but then Hardkernel was kind enough to backport the filesystem on our request.
As Hardkernel is currently over their ears in finishing the C Zero and C2 products, there was no way to get this done within a reasonable time frame.
So taking the bull by the horns, backporting overlayfs was finished by ourselves and will eventually find it’s way back to the Hardkernel repo.

Currently, the C2 is rocking the attic, time to relax and enjoy it a while :slight_smile:


Great read and great news you got it working so fast! Keep up the good work!

Adding a link to hardkernel would’ve completed it :wink:

This link gives more info on the C2 (first post):
C2 announcement on Odroid Forum

OK, I’d like to play :slight_smile:

What is the availability status of something to run on the C2? Is there a beta image or a how to on building from scratch? For either 1.5 or 2.0?

Right now I’m in the process of reserving storage space on a server from one of the Hardkernel’s developers. As soon as it is available, I will transfer the images for C0/C1/C1+, C2 and XU4.
My intention is to keep a zip of the previous and current beta for each of them, there is no plan for anything else than the beta period.

Edit: with no plans I also mean no plans for a 1.55 version

Hey, thanks for the prompt update. I’ll go grab a C2 from the UK distributors while they still have one :slight_smile:

Ok, the newest images are currently being uploaded, it will take another half hour before finishing.
Many thanks to mdrjr for making this possible :smiley:
You will find them at my odroid repo

Note: the server might not be fastest for Europe.
This week the images will also become available on the volumio server, please bear with us for a few more days.


 but not working NFS mounting and please what is Root password? for this RC Volumio0.861RC1-2016-03-26-odroidc2.zip

you cannot login with ‘root’, you need to use ‘volumio’ with password ‘volumio’.
You can then use sudo to get root permission.
Please tell me how you are using nfs, perhaps I can help. nfs with my Synology NAS works, so we need to check your parameters.
Could you write this as an issue to http://github.com/volumio/Volumio2/issues as this may not be C2 specific?

i Have NAS server in other Odroid and configured NFS .

From console NFS Mount working normaly


I need a bit more information, this is not enough to go on.
How have you configured the NFS server on the odroid (which user can access with which permissions? what share-path have you configured?) and what parameters did you enter on the Volumio UI?

you were right, nfs does not work (anymore), I will look into it.

Edit: I raised this as issue #341

and closed #341 for the time being as I made a mistake with my pathname and therefore Volumio could not mount.
After correcting it, everything seems to be OK.
I will shortly describe what works for me.

Server side
My /etc/exports contains

/volume1/volumio-test *(ro,async,no_wdelay,all_squash,insecure_locks,sec=sys,anonuid=1024,anongid=100)

Not sure what software you use to configure, I map all users to my server’s admin with read-only access (Synology NAS), safe enough for me.

In Volumio I enter an alias and the IP, then use “volume1/volumio-test” as path and in the advanced option only “nfs” as the filesystem type.
All other options are empty. Note: Path without a starting “/”
The critical issue is the server I believe. If the exports are not set up properly, Volumio will not get enough privileges to start scanning the share.

Anyway, I found a few other things that need cleaning up, but nfs does work.

Hello all, last night I was messing with the volumio 2 build for the odroid C2. This project has a lot of potential, keep up the good work!

I was able to run a few hi-res files (FLAC, AIFF and DSD) with minor issues. But the best part is that I was able to run a DSD256 file with no performance issues using my usb DAC. This ODROID C2 has a lot of power, with the DSD256 file it was consuming 83% of CPU (using ‘top’ command) while my Cubietruck w/ Volumio 1.5 and same usb DAC, hesitates frequently playing DSD128 and cpu at 100%.

Some good and bad observations I saw while using Volumio 2 w/ Odroid C2,

  • The music sounds really distorted only when ‘Volume normalization’ is Off
  • Sinc interpolation option is missing
  • Airplay option is missing.
  • DSD over PCM option is missing. If I use HDMI to my A/V receiver, I need DoP. Most A/V receiver’s DAC does not support native DSD.
  • Spotify is missing
  • HDMI audio plays only 16-bit (I think this is a problem with the Odroid C2 and not Volumio)
  • Boot time is fast than ever, using eMMC module.
  • WebUI is way better, fast response and aesthetics.

Could you add these to the issue list at GitHub - volumio/Volumio2: Volumio 2 - Audiophile Music Player please?

Next RC will have it

Please add this too

Next RC will have it, tested it on a C2 this afternoon

You may want to check that on the odroid forum, I think 16bits 192Kbps max.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
That’s why my PI’s are lying in a corner and only get used when I need to test something specific

So I am using a RPi3 with a HiFiBerry DAC+ Pro and really love the sound. I was going to put another one together for my office, but thought I would give an Odroid a shot as I have a C2 running Kodi.

Is Volumio just as stable on the Odroids as the Raspberrys? I see in gkkpch’s sig, 32/384 is listed
is that supported in the Odroids/HiFiShield as I thought 24/192 is the max for the Raspberry. Or is it downsampled?


Yes, at least as stable as the RPi3. All the supported arm images are built on the same rootfs, of course kernel and some drivers are platform-specific.
32/384 is real with the HiFi shield, I can testify upto 352.8 as I do not have any 32/384 files.


If I am just running Volumio, any benefit of the C2 over the C1+? I have a C2 that is used just for Kodi, but was gonna get a C1+
just because I do not have one.

Benefit from C2? not really. It’s a little faster but as far as Volumio concerns, no big difference. As the price difference is minimal, you could still choose for the C2 in the hope you can profit from a 64-bit machine once we have done our bits.