clicking while paused

I’m running Volumio 2.031 on a Raspberry Pi 3. I’m using the I2S signals from the Pi’s GPIO to an outboard DAC.

This DAC is based on an SRC4192 up sampling chip followed by a PCM1794 DAC.

When the track is paused I am getting a constant low level clicking noise from the DAC. This goes away when I resume playback.

Has anyone else experienced this behaviour?

Yes, disable the on-board WiFi on the pi3. That is unless you’re using it.

The WiFi is off. That’s not the issue - has to be something else?


I Have the same behaviour, I set up generic I2S device and use SRC4194(24bits I2S on input and output) and PCM1792 DAC’s. I am preety sure that reason is pause - then volumio goes into I2S sleep?? shitty sample rate? When track is played then everything working fine even there are break in to the track.

When I manually switch to next track is the same when it is made automaticly- everything is fine

Any body solve this problem or maybe has an idea what to do?

Best Regards

Its a bit of an old thread but I am trying anyway :slight_smile:

I do have the same problem with my setup. I am running a SRC4192 reclocker module (metronome) from Twisted Pear Audio. That is passed on to a PCM1794a DAC (COD DAC) also from Twisted pear audio. I am using a RPI 3 with a Isolator Pi.
I have tried with different drivers and still the same. I do believe this is a hardware problem with the SRC4192. I found this thread on the TI community where there is the following answer:

Here is the link:

I have also started a thread on the MoOde forum:
and one on Twisted Pear Audio Forum but no answer there:

A solution could be to build a script the pull’s a GPIO pin high/low connected to the mute pin on the DAC when the music is paused :slight_smile:

If anyone have a clue on how to build this script you are more than welcome to post a reply :slight_smile: Any help is much appreciated

Its a bit of an old thread but I am trying anyway :slight_smile:

I do have the same problem with my setup. I am running a SRC4192 reclocker module (metronome) from Twisted Pear Audio. That is passed on to a PCM1794a DAC (COD DAC) also from Twisted pear audio. I am using a RPI 3 with a Isolator Pi.
I have tried with different drivers and still the same. I do believe this is a hardware problem with the SRC4192. I found this thread on the TI community where there is the following answer:

Here is the link:

I have also started a thread on the MoOde forum:
and one on Twisted Pear Audio Forum but no answer there:

A solution could be to build a script the pull’s a GPIO pin high/low connected to the mute pin on the DAC when the music is paused :slight_smile:

If anyone have a clue on how to build this script you are more than welcome to post a reply :slight_smile: Any help is much appreciated

A plugin could be the perfect solution, you can take inspiration from the gpio control plugin

I recall seeing a PR for Ampswitch that does something similar albeit designed only for a small delay.

Thanks guys! :slight_smile: This was very helpful.

I used the plugin Amp Switch and set up to pull when the music is paused. Right now I am using a relay since I have an I2S IsolatorPi and therefore no shared ground with the DAC. Next is to make a work around so I can ditch the relay :slight_smile: A MOSFET module from ebay could be a good solution:,searchweb201602_5_10065_10068_10059_10884_10887_10696_100031_10084_10083_10103_10618_10304_10307_10820_10821_10302,searchweb201603_1,ppcSwitch_2_ppcChannel&algo_expid=2780bee9-a775-4542-8768-74cfd7c63fb8-21&algo_pvid=2780bee9-a775-4542-8768-74cfd7c63fb8&priceBeautifyAB=0