Not sure if this is the correct forum to post this in but I did a brief search and didn’t see anything.
Is there a CLI interface to Volumio. Specifically I’d like to have a cron job be able to have a playlist start at a specific volume level. This would be a workaround until an “Alarm” function is added to the system.
I haven’t looked at anything but the web interface so far but if some kind soul would point me in the right direction I’ll take it from there.
Thanks in advance,
afaik a CLIinterface is not available.
But you can “ssh” in (opensshserver is implemnted.
The standard users are
pw: volumio
pw: volumio
so you could edit your crontab.
Maybe this is a workaround…
Sorry but I have no answer for you, only a question
I am interessted in the same thing. Unfortunately I was not able to find the right commands.
If you log on via ssh you can type “volumio” at the prompt and you get a list of CLI commands. But when I use one of the CLI commands I get an error message.
My Question: Where you able to start “Volumio” at a certain time and start playing a certain radio station or mp3 file?
If yes: Can share your experience with us how it was done.
I am running “Volumio 2”
Thank you very much. I really appreciate if you can share your experience with us.