Bought one of the new Chromecasts with Google TV built in, suits our purposes without spending lots more.
Thought I might be able to get a 1 link web page app to work so I can view Volumio on the TV, which would be a nice little easy improvement. I can find a couple of web browsing apps, but they rely on searching, there is no adress bar so no where to stick a IP or my local Volumio adress.
Anyone tried the same? Ive not got very far on trying to sideload something, my brian is a little slow at the moment, so I was hoping for a easy option to get the interface.
PS If I create a solution in the mean time, I promice to post it.
Right, I have had a little more brainpower today, so had a good stab at it.
And it Works!
Running through a web browser interface on the TV didnt get me anywhere. All the included and easy to download browsers just wont load anything Local.
Side loading the Volumio app however I have had some success with, I followed these instructions, which are a compilation of what is out there already, but kept simple.
I have an android phone, and used that to upload the APK to my Google Drive, which as its all Google, made it simple.
So, In Conclusion;
-Looks as expected
-App is loaded within another app
-Very clunky
-Colours are off (is that my TV?) Very much Bright green
-moving around is hard work no consistent interaction
-Album Cover grid view looks fab
-Ablum Cover grid view is slow, and selecting it is tricky
-Large ablum & song titles cause a constant screen re-scale glitch
Not much of a surprise really. I do wonder if it would work any better if it was loaded as a webpage as it might change how the remote behaves and improve its usability.
Yes I can just use my phone etc, but I thought it would be nice to give any guests (What are they! ) another way of interacting with Volumio without an app, and I dont really want a touch display below my TV which is where the amp is.
If I knew what I was doing with an APK I would like to think much of this could be fixed without too much drama.