To brand your Volumio to your own taste: (for non-commercial use)
Volumio Logo is the volumio-logo.png-file in /volumio/http/www/app/themes/volumio/assets/variants/volumio/graphics/
the default album-art (when nothing is playing) is the default.jpg/png file in /volumio/app/plugins/miscellanea/albumart/
set a pageTitle in /volumio/http/www/app/themes/volumio/assets/variants/volumio/volumio-settings.json
Remove the shopping link in the pull-down menu of the GUI: look in the file /volumio/app/mainmenu.json and remove the line with ‘Volumio Shop’ (and maybe put in a link of your own)
Changing the default green colour: this is more tricky, you’ll have to find and replace the color-values in the stylesheets. The location is /volumio/http/www/styles/ and there are the .css files. Look for the following color-attributes: #54c698 #3c763d #54c688 #339a62 #3aad6e
and replace it with your preferred color-code, like #136F9A
As an addition, you can put WebRadio station URL’s in /data/favourites/my-web-radio (in xml-format) like this:
All the above tasks have to be done after every update of Volumio, so you might want to create some scripts for it.
Also, update via the GUI doesn’t work anymore, you first have to delete userdata before updating and then start all over again.
Please verify, that when using this customization for a, let’s say, popular bar, that you do not violate any laws.
In that case it may not be “private use” anymore…
@Thursty24 what do you want to change?
bit of skinning? you could use peppy if that’s to hard to get running we are still working on a simple to install version
Hey guys, so I downloaded the UI files from Github which was posted by Volumio themselves, I have done the logo replacements, but the one struggle I’m having is to find where to change the UI colours, as I’m doing the UI to match my colour scheme at home, as @Nico suggested, I tried to locate /volumio/http/www/styles/, but have not been successful, is there anyway I can get to this?