What am I doing wrong? I connnected an USB CD reader on the Pi, the sound quality through my ES9038PRO dac is excellent, yet I can only play one song at a time. How do I play whe whole CD?
What am I doing wrong? I connnected an USB CD reader on the Pi, the sound quality through my ES9038PRO dac is excellent, yet I can only play one song at a time. How do I play whe whole CD?
I don’t have any experience of playing a CD through Volumio, but how do you attempt to play it? How does it show up in your Music Library? Can you add it to a queue for example?
Well, I get the Play CD button on my sources, but there is no “play” for the whole CD. If I click on it I can see all songs and if I click on one it only plays the one song. I can add them all in the queue manually but this is silly:)
Is this through MyVolumio and a paid subscription? If so, I would contact the Team here.
Hello, yes its a paid subscription, thanks for the link.
Hi! The “play all button” on CD disappeared on the latest release (because of a bug). We just fixed it and we’ll shortly release the new version
Cool. Looking forward for the next release