Have set up Voumio on an RPi4 and can play music, works beautifully and sounds surprisingly good with a Berry DAC.
I have a problem I don’t understand though when mounting the Internal Storage (/mnt/INTERNAL) from a Linux machine (Mageia FWIW).
Been using Linux since 1999 and have loads of experience with Samba and am baffled why I’m getting told I don’t have permissions to write to the Pi. (I can copy using scp but that’s a faff.)
So, I’ve tried various things, the closest of which I get to working is:
mount.cifs //\ Storage /home/username/localsharename -o username=volumio
Which prompts me for a password and I use volumio which mounts fine; however even if I add writeable=yes to smb.conf on the Pi itself does not help me being able to actually write to the network share from my Linux machine.
I can see that /mnt/INTERNAL is owned by root, I thought about chown volumio for it, but although I can ssh in and attempt that, even though there’s no complaint about the command it resolutely stays owned by root.
Anyone know what I’m doing wrong please?