I just flashed v. 2.031, and after rebooting the device I can’t access the web interface. If I enter “http://volumio.local:3000” I get the spinning wheel (see this screenshot). If you look closely at the bottom, you can see “variable-names” instead of the real thing - This make me think that node is running fine, but can’t connect to some kind of backend.
I’m running on a Pi2 using a HifiBerry DAC+ and a wifi-dongle (the official rpi foundation-one). When I reboot through SSH I can hear the startup sound, and I’m able to use AirPlay too.
Modifications from default system:
Disabled wireless-power in /etc/network/interfaces
Disabled HDMI-output through /etc/rc.local.
Please tell if you need any logs or something - I don’t really know what to do from here…
The following services are failing:
volumio@volumio:~$ systemctl --failed
dhcpcd.service loaded failed failed LSB: IPv4 DHCP client with IPv4LL support
dhcpd.service loaded failed failed dhcpd.service
hotspot.service loaded failed failed hotspot.service
isc-dhcp-server.service loaded failed failed LSB: DHCP server
systemctl --failed shows exactly the same output from my working Volumio system. Some of these are to do with the hotspot (disabled) and the first due to me not having ethernet connected. Not much help, but maybe prevents you looking in the wrong places.
Thank you for the suggestions and input. I have reverted the changes in /etc/rc.local (it only has “exit 0” now, as usual) and have rebooted, but I still can’t seem to connect to the interface through either firefox or chromium - SSH is still working through both Bonjour and ip.
I know that I don’t have to enter volumio.local:3000, but I get a “volumio.local refuses to connect” if I don’t enter the port afterwards, which is part of the problem.
Is the redirection from port 80->3000 happening at the firewall-level? Because “sudo iptables -L” shows no rules.
No, I disabled powersaving mode (added “wireless-power off” in /etc/network/interfaces), since my pi is not connected to a keyboard, and my wifi-dongle went into powersaving-mode after ~1,5 days and refused to reconnect.
Here’s the output from journalctl, but there’s really no errors, as far as I can see.
volumio@volumio:~$ sudo journalctl -f
-- Logs begin at Sat 2016-11-26 15:37:22 UTC. --
Nov 26 15:55:03 volumio systemd[833]: Reached target Default.
Nov 26 15:55:03 volumio systemd[833]: Startup finished in 51ms.
Nov 26 15:55:03 volumio systemd[1]: Started User Manager for UID 1000.
Nov 26 15:55:03 volumio sshd[828]: lastlog_openseek: Couldn't stat /var/log/lastlog: No such file or directory
Nov 26 15:55:03 volumio sshd[828]: lastlog_openseek: Couldn't stat /var/log/lastlog: No such file or directory
Nov 26 15:55:15 volumio sudo[848]: volumio : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/volumio ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl --failed
Nov 26 15:55:15 volumio sudo[848]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by volumio(uid=0)
Nov 26 15:55:15 volumio sudo[848]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root
Nov 26 16:10:37 volumio sudo[924]: volumio : TTY=pts/0 ; PWD=/home/volumio ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/journalctl -f
Nov 26 16:10:37 volumio sudo[924]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by volumio(uid=0)