Cannot run latest version on RPi 1B

Hello guys,

I have problem with latest version on RPi 1B, not a le to run it. Is RPi 1b No longer supported? I checked 2 different cards, 16 and 32gb, used correct img file, 2 different image writer programs and nothing. I have some old 2.4xx img and it works perfectly on both cards. Any idea? Is it possible to download some previous revision somwhere? Thanks!

the latest stable version should work on a RPi 1B.

anyhow, this is the link of the previous stable with kernel 5.10.x

Thanks for link, unfortunately same issue, ACT is blinking, WiFi card also blinking from time to time and same sequence for like 30mins, Volumio Network not showing on WiFi, probably need to keep using old 2.4xx

what if you connect the RPi to the modem/router via cable?

please be aware that since the introduction of the kernel 5.10 some WiFi dongles are not supported anymore, this could be the root-cause of your missing WiFi network

I did a test with connection by cable.
RPi didn’t start. I wasn’t able to login via SSH.
After a minute or so RPi just stopped working. (no image via HDMI, lights on RJ45 turned off)

what version did you flash on the sd-card? how did you flash it?

for connecting via SSH, you should finalize the initial configuration wizard and enable ssh from the /dev page, by default it’s disabled

Maybe I did it wrong by using Raspberry Pi Imager configuration.
Anyway in the meantime I bough RPi 4 and on this device everything is working correctly.