Cannot connect to network share

I have re-purposed an old Macbook 1.1 for Volumio. It works ok with music stored locally and web radio etc but unfortunately I cannot connect to any other storage on the LAN. I had intended to use a hard drive connected to an Apple airport extreme but it does not detect them (2 different Airport devices) and even if I try to manually enter the IP address etc. it refuses to connect. Curiously it reports the wrong size for both shares, It reports both as being 31.18GB, one is 64GB the other is 8TB so I have no idea what the hell that is all about! It won’t connect to my Synology NAS either. Nothing else has any problems weather using the shares, Mac, PC, Android etc everything else can see and access the shares.

Could it be the network adapter? Volumio failed to detect the internal WiFi adapter in the mac, It failed to work with a TP-link TL-WN725N adapter, It detected it but failed on restarting service. Currently using a very old TP-Link.
Trying to connect with cifs version 1 as I am sure that’s all an Airport extreme can cope with although the Synology should work with anything and that won’t connect either!

Anyone any ideas other than scrapping the Mac and buying a Bluesound Node which is becoming a distinct possibility!
