Hi, I’ve got volumio up and running with my older usb dac. Sounds great. I want to incorporate some of these canadian stations .pls into the main list (or create my own list).
The 2 that I’m really interested in are;
640 am
1050 am
640 uses a flash player - not sure how if it’s supported, but 1050 am I see has a .pls file which is great.
My question is how to create my own playlist from this list, and if there is a method of playing these webplayers (flash) ?
Here you go: 3 google search queries, one to find out what am 640 is, one that didnt got me what i wanted and the 3rd: am 640 radio toronto m3u.
This got me to: surfmusic.de/country/canada.html Found am 640 in this list, pressed the listen live and then clicked standalone player.
So make an text file and add the following including the new line at the end save it as an .m3u
radio station are the best to listen various types of musics. Every time when i get free i am switching to music.