
CamillaDSP, the actual speed advantage has not been evaluated, they didn’t test the diffrence between 32bit or 64 bit running 32bit…,By default the internal processing is done using 64-bit floats.
… you could get oway for the the pi 4 4/8 gig with copying the .elf and .dat files from the 64bit RasPi distribution and make a image of it… it seems to work… then both are still 32bit on a 64bit system…
because the 8 only supports the latest… or you do a check if it’s 32 bit system you get the 32bit data / elf’s
and for the 64bit the 64bit elfs and data…or is this so hard to do?

No one needs more than 640K of RAM.

Whether or not 1 or 2GB are sufficient for SOXR/CamillaDSP depends strongly on what one is doing with them. Since I’m (at least currently) not relying on my Raspberry Pi(s) for DSP, I don’t really care one way or the other. But I can see how others would.

Considering that moving Volumio from Jessie to Buster is (apparently) a stroke-inducing exertion, I tend to agree that getting a 64bit kernel working as well would be a lethal effort.

That’s not to say that other music-oriented distros (e.g. moOde) aren’t perfectly capable of supporting both 32 and 64bit kernels under Buster.

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we don’t want you to die on the job …we are already happy with a 32 bit version and your commitment to make it

That’s the point. As an example, official operating system for Raspberry Pi (Raspbian, now RaspiOs) has been 32bit-only for very long time, even if Raspberry Pi 3 was capable of running 64bit.

At the moment the 64bit version is still in beta phase, and the amount of developers working on Raspbian/RaspiOs is an order of magnitude higher then the Volumio developers.

With limited resources is extremely important to make wise choices, setting the right priorities. Volumio team did an amazing job during those years, for sure is far from being perfect, but it’s good enough for most of the users.

IMO, the Volumio Debian base (and build system) has grown a lot since it’s inception and currently is carrying quite some legacy baggage around. It’s my hope that with the shift to buster and a modular build system we can avoid further upgrade pains. I’ve managed to get things up and running for all the open source parts of Volumio over at ashthespy/VolumioOS which I’ve been using for the Buster builds. The closed source parts are… well more challenging… :wink:

w.t.r to 32 vs 64bit I’ve been running few non pi boards on armv8 64bit and did manage to get most things working fine. For example, the Spotify plugin will need some 32bit coaxing to work, and other small things that I didn’t encounter/overlooked.

All that being said, I didn’t do any profiling to check if it actually made a big difference. I vaguely recall reading some things about degraded nodejs performance on certain arm platforms with 64bit compared to 32bit.

And now, because the Jessie-based Volumio distro is so woefully out-of-date, the CA Certificates bundle (ca-certificates/oldstable,now 20141019+deb8u4 all [installed]) is increasingly non-functional:

$ wget https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/pages/jf-at-dockes.org.pub
--2020-12-07 22:33:52--  https://www.lesbonscomptes.com/pages/jf-at-dockes.org.pub
Resolving www.lesbonscomptes.com (www.lesbonscomptes.com)...
Connecting to www.lesbonscomptes.com (www.lesbonscomptes.com)||:443... connected.
GnuTLS: Error in the pull function.
Unable to establish SSL connection.

Yes, I know how to update the bundle manually. But that defeats the purpose of having a package manager (as thoroughly broken as the package manager is under Volumio).

For me no serious company (and I believe that volumio is that) can accept products running on os’es with no support and known security issues. Who has the responsibility if the players get attacked due to flaws on the os that have been known for years. The price we pay for the software and the number of users should be enough to have updates that address security as well.
@volumio team, you can do better!

Yes we can, and please send me a message or email and i will explain in detail how that would work.

I really would like to hear the reason, I am an IT professional my self and know what it entails.

Volumio security is an oxymoron.

But the fact that Volumio can no longer make SSL connections to a large fraction of the websites in the world (because its CA-certificate bundle hasn’t been updated since 2014) is a functionality problem, in addition to being a security problem.

Can you share some links that don’t work because of outdated CAs?
That way we’ll at least update CAs and verify, while we finalize buster works


I already did. See above.

Volumio, this should not be the only think you look at. If you want the product to survive you need to be up to date security wise as well.

One of you selling points is actually a product that can be used safely, else your customer base will disappear with the first cases of abuse.

There’s no real competition though. Nobody else provides a player that can play tidal etc, nor a plugin system. I don’t recomend volumio to anyone that’s not comfortable with managing old linux systems by hand, and possibly some insight into javascript as well. It is what it is, and I’m happy it exists.
As for what they should be focusing on I do believe it’s their choice to make. A rewrite of the software to be pluggable in a standard linux distrubution and use concurrency / promises properly would be my tip.

there is buster and al guys are working hard on it …buster…

@volumio @prof i have the same thing switch over to 3.10 beta …
the 2.xx will screw up your whole network …i called my isp they said it’s in your network everything by them
seems alright so i tested 3x 2.xx versions all the same effect in a few minutes you can’t use your browser any more all pages will time out…even skype will crash, dns errors port 443 issue at github even total los of my internet connection ect .but everytime i switch off volumio it came back in seconds…

and asking for site that don’t work is a stupid thing dump the whole 2.xx i won’t use it any more…


Could you check if it’s a problem with your network settings? First thing I would check for is address conflicts… Do you happen to have devices configured with static IP that happen to conflict with Volumio’s?

nope i had no conflict in my network …all dhcp… and i have it only on 2.xx the 3.xx work ok…
so the cert. is screwing my network i guess reset the whole network checking cables ect …
then i switched off volumio and all came back normal…

Outdated CA cert bundles should only affect Volumio itself and only when it tries to make requests through SSL. This should not affect other devices on the network (you mentioned total loss of Internet connection - I take this to mean other devices could not access the Internet when Volumio 2.x has joined the network?)

it does … believe me… all went oway…pc , laptop internet connection total on all
only skype on my mobile was still running ,skype desktop went oway …all searching and find none
dns errors most of the pages timed out… amazon youtube ect all gone…
and now on 3.10, 3.14, 3.15 no problems at all still going strong :slight_smile: