Filing absence of “proper” bug reporting tool as a bug. This could be considered a recursive bug report
More seriously, as a user the forum bug reports aren’t very informative from a bug management point of view-hard to search, lack structure etc. I don’t want to bother developers with things that can be resolved with a good bug tracking system.
The ideal would be a backtrace option built into the web interface uploading to something like bugzilla.
There is github - volumio/Volumio to track bugs/development. But it could use some cleaning up of old stale issues and such.
Stack traces are also good - It should be quite straight forward to catch an exception and forward it to something like bugsnag. But then again this should be an opt-out feature.
It would be nice if you could open up an issue on the forums/git automatically when this happens. Its a bit of plumbing, but crashreporter.js could spin up a simple page with a link that forwards you to issue with similar stacks.