Volumio V3.3xx (noticed with at least the last 10 updates)
Andriod App: Latest Volumio version from play store
Tested with 3 Samsungs A25, A52 . running UI:6.1 Android: V14. and A73 running UI:5.1, Android 13 has no problems.
Volumio Version:
Hardware: Not depending on hardware. Happens with x86, rPi3, rPi4 and rPi5
DAC: Every DAC shows the same error. tested with Topping E30II, E50, DX3Pro+, Pro-ject pre box S2 digital
Debug Log
No log provided, issues is with the Andriod App
Steps to Reproduce
Open Volumio app and select device
Enable mixer
Modify volume within app with the slider
Fully close the app
Open another application like Spotify, Qobuz, Youtube, …
Play something with as output the phone
Modify the volume with the phone volume buttons
Volumio device volume gets alternated, following the phone Volume buttons, even though the app is fully closed.
Additional Information
Pretty annoying as whoever started Volumio on their phone, can’t do anything else without impacting the Volume level on the selected device.
For some reason the Volumio app on Android doesn’t release the volume control when the app is fully closed. Difference between iPhone version is that when I close the app i need to select the device to control again. Android keeps remembering the selected unit, which indicates that the app never closes. (UI:6.1, Android 14)
To make it even worse, if I select another device (right bottom icon => Switch device) it still controls the previous one. (UI:6.1, Android 14)
It’s doing this on iPhone as well.
It turns up the volume on the phone to 100% without any input from me and leaves my there.
I never have used my phone to control the volume in Volumio. It there a way to decouple the app from the local devices volume?
I can’t confirm this behaviour on a iPhone. Tested the same with a iPhone6, 8 and 15. With android the app stays active in the background, with the iPhone it doesn’t.
Thank you for your feedback! Our tech team is aware of the issue and is working to resolve it as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding in the meantime.
iPhone 15 Pro.
iOS 18.2
Redownloaded the app and updated Volumio.
I set my phone to its lowest volume.
I open the app, play music on my Volumio (on a Pi 4), stop playback and close the app on my phone.
If I open my music player on the phone to listen to locally stored music, I have to turn the volume of the phone back down because Volumio will have turned the volume on the phone to its maximum.
I find the integration of physical volume controls in the android app to control Volumio was a nice idea, but in practise it’s a disaster. It breaks the paradigm of the device volume, it registers on my smart watch as playing media when it isn’t, even when I am away from my home network.
I realise there are some who will love it, but I would really like an option to disable it somehow.
Currently I have a pinned website on my homepage instead of the app purely to avoid the issue.
I’m having two seperate issues which I hope someone here can assist me with.
Firstly, when I’m playing white noise from my Primo 2 during the night for my kids. When I’m sitting on my phone (Pixel 8) and changing the volume on YouTube etc, it will turn the streamer volume in the bedroom up and down along with the YouTube video in my phone. Is it possible so unlink the volumes so Volumio is on its own and not affected by the volume in other apps?
Secondly, sometimes my volume control in Volumio stops working completely. It just decides to stay at the same volume no matter where I move the fader. The only way I’ve found to fix it is by rebooting the Primo. Do I need to do a factory reset or is there something else I can do to fix it?
Hi Your first issue is caused by this bug, hence I moved your topic to the correct post.
When this happens is you app still active on you phone?
You can test by rebooting your phone, Don’t start the Volumio app and check if the Volume control acts normal via de web browser.