Boot problem Rasbperry 3 and Volumio 2.348-201

Hi everyone,
I am new on this forum, so please excuse me if I do something wrong.

I am the owner of a Raspberry 3 which is working fine with a competitor software (which I will not name here).
I have seen your wonderful work on volumio project.

I have seen it working fine in a friend of mine.
So I have downloaded volumio-2.348-2017-12-22-pi.img for Raspberry and install it to a micro card.
System is booting well, but it is stuck on login prompt.
I have let system working for more than 1 hour, but no improvement (except screensaver).
If I connect USB keyboard, I can connect to the system.
ls command show me nothing.

I have tried to download image again and checked MD5, but no improvement.
Have you already seen this bug, and do you know how to fix it.

Thanks for your support.


Hi Randall

I have also in installed the latest image but haven’t had that issue.
firstly why would need to go to the command prompt. The setup is to be done via the local webpage.
The required wifi password for the volumio access point is volumio2. After which you’re supposed to set up your Dac ( reboot later), then setup Wifi (reboot I think), and then log your phone/laptop to the wifi your Volumio was registered newly. and then install the volumio app on the phone… if iPhone then its available and it works fine.

Hi Aditya,
Thanks very much for your answer.

I used to have the graphical interface which came up directly on Raspberry with the competitor software.

The problem came from my use, not from Volumio image.

I had scanned my network to find its IP address, and I had connected with web interface.
Installation is in progress now.

Have a nice day.



Happy to know your issue is fixed. Have a great day… but I am on the other side so it’s 11:36pm for me… peace
