Boot Loop forever

Hello all,

I play around with volumio since two weeks and every time I got a Boot Loop after a few days. The Boot Log shows no Error, but the volumio Log shows the following:
[spoiler]2017-08-24T16:34:58.060Z - info: Cannot mount NAS Diskstation at system boot, trial number 2 ,retrying in 5 seconds 2017-08-24T16:34:58.451Z - info: Data script executed 2017-08-24T16:34:58.494Z - info: MPD running with PID628 ,establishing connection 2017-08-24T16:34:58.520Z - info: Setting Device type: Raspberry PI 2017-08-24T16:34:58.940Z - info: [1503592498938] VolumeController:: Volume=undefined Mute =undefined 2017-08-24T16:34:58.947Z - info: [1503592498945] CoreStateMachine::pushState 2017-08-24T16:34:58.953Z - info: [1503592498951] CoreStateMachine::getState 2017-08-24T16:34:58.956Z - info: [1503592498955] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 2017-08-24T16:34:58.961Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState 2017-08-24T16:34:58.963Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo 2017-08-24T16:34:58.976Z - info: [1503592498972] interfaceApi::pushState 2017-08-24T16:34:58.979Z - info: [1503592498978] InterfaceWebUI::pushState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.357Z - info: Reloading queue from file 2017-08-24T16:34:59.440Z - info: 2017-08-24T16:34:59.562Z - info: [1503592499561] CoreStateMachine::setRepeat null single undefined 2017-08-24T16:34:59.565Z - info: [1503592499562] CoreStateMachine::pushState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.566Z - info: [1503592499565] CoreStateMachine::getState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.568Z - info: [1503592499567] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 2017-08-24T16:34:59.570Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.571Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo 2017-08-24T16:34:59.576Z - info: [1503592499575] interfaceApi::pushState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.578Z - info: [1503592499577] InterfaceWebUI::pushState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.585Z - info: [1503592499584] CoreStateMachine::setRandom null 2017-08-24T16:34:59.588Z - info: [1503592499585] CoreStateMachine::pushState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.589Z - info: [1503592499588] CoreStateMachine::getState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.591Z - info: [1503592499590] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 2017-08-24T16:34:59.593Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.594Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo 2017-08-24T16:34:59.597Z - info: [1503592499596] interfaceApi::pushState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.599Z - info: [1503592499598] InterfaceWebUI::pushState 2017-08-24T16:34:59.767Z - info: Pushing Favourites {"service":"mpd","uri":"","favourite":false} 2017-08-24T16:34:59.781Z - info: mDNS: Found device Volumiolounge 2017-08-24T16:35:00.080Z - info: Volumio called home 2017-08-24T16:35:00.175Z - info: [1503592500170] Shairport-Sync Started 2017-08-24T16:35:00.250Z - info: Pushing Favourites {"service":"webradio","uri":"","favourite":false} 2017-08-24T16:35:00.257Z - info: Pushing Favourites {"service":"webradio","uri":"","favourite":false} 2017-08-24T16:35:01.312Z - info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState 2017-08-24T16:35:01.314Z - info: [1503592501313] CoreStateMachine::getState 2017-08-24T16:35:01.315Z - info: [1503592501314] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 2017-08-24T16:35:01.317Z - info: [1503592501316] ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio state 2017-08-24T16:35:01.321Z - info: [1503592501320] InterfaceWebUI::pushState 2017-08-24T16:35:01.382Z - info: [1503592501381] ------------------------------ 70ms 2017-08-24T16:35:02.176Z - info: Upmpdcli Daemon Started 2017-08-24T16:35:03.069Z - info: Cannot mount NAS Diskstation at system boot, trial number 3 ,retrying in 5 seconds[/spoiler]

The device is conncted to the Network and i can access via SSH. Is there anybody can help me to get volumio runs stable?

Thank you and best regards!

Try removing your NAS drive & re-adding it.

P.S. What is the device and Volumio version?

Wow, that is a fast answer!

It is a Raspberry Pi 2 with IQAudio DAC board and the latest Version of volumio. Can i re-add the NAS via SSH?

Try via the UI and see if it sorts the problem… if not, we’ll go from there.

1 Like

Thank you so far.

It’s not possible to disconnect the NAS via the volumio GUI. It’s shown only for one second.

I flashed a backup without NAS and volumio started. After adding the NAS the reboot ends in a boot loop.

I tried the same with a second raspberry and the same behavior is shown.

Do you have any idea how to solve this?

Thank you,

Can you post the settings you have used to add your NAS please?

thanks again. I am very impressed of the fast support in this forum! :nerd:

Static IP via Fritz Box
nfc Access to music-folder via Synology Diskstation

Alias: Diskstation
Mounted: Yes
Pfad: /volume1/music/
Typ: nfs
User: admin
Passwort: **************

This configuration works fine, scans the NAS and finds all music. Just after a reboot the rom stucks into a boot loop.

Please do

sudo journalctl -f

and you should see when Volumio restarts, please paste here the most logs you can around that point


shure, here is the log from sudo journalctl -f. I pasted the part which cames over and over again :

Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: ------------------------------------------- Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: ----- Volumio2 ---- Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: ------------------------------------------- Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: ----- System startup ---- Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: ------------------------------------------- Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Plugin folders cleanup Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning into folder /volumio/app/plugins/ Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning category audio_interface Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning category miscellanea Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning category music_service Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning category plugins.json Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning category system_controller Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning category user_interface Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning into folder /data/plugins/ Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning category miscellanea Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Scanning category music_service Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Plugin folders cleanup completed Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugins from folder /volumio/app/plugins/ Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugins from folder /data/plugins/ Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "system"... Aug 26 17:06:53 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "appearance"... Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "network"... Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "services"... Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "alsa_controller"... Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "volumio_command_line_client"... Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "upnp"... Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767216533] Starting Upmpd Daemon Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , registerCallback Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "mpd"... Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Plugin upnp_browser is not enabled Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "networkfs"... Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Cannot mount NAS Diskstation at system boot, trial number 1 ,retrying in 5 seconds Aug 26 17:06:56 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "alarm-clock"... Aug 26 17:06:57 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "airplay_emulation"... Aug 26 17:06:57 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767217194] Starting Shairport Sync Aug 26 17:06:57 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "last_100"... Aug 26 17:06:57 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "webradio"... Aug 26 17:06:57 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "i2s_dacs"... Aug 26 17:06:57 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:06:57 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Executing start script for DAC IQaudIO DAC Plus Aug 26 17:06:57 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "my_volumio"... Aug 26 17:06:57 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "volumiodiscovery"... Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: *** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi. Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge node[1251]: *** WARNING *** The program 'node' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi. Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge node[1251]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi! Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge node[1251]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <> Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge node[1251]: *** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi. Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge node[1251]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi! Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge node[1251]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <> Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi! Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <> Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: *** WARNING *** The program 'node' called 'DNSServiceRegister()' which is not supported (or only supported partially) in the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi. Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: *** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi! Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: *** WARNING *** For more information see <> Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Applying required configuration parameters for plugin volumiodiscovery Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: Discovery: StartAdv! undefined Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: Discovery: Started advertising... Volumiolounge - undefined Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , registerCallback Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "auto_play"... Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: ControllerAutoPlay - connecting mpd on host: localhost; port: 6600 Aug 26 17:06:58 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "youtube"... Aug 26 17:07:01 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "albumart"... Aug 26 17:07:01 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Plugin example_plugin is not enabled Aug 26 17:07:01 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "updater_comm"... Aug 26 17:07:01 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Plugin mpdemulation is not enabled Aug 26 17:07:01 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "rest_api"... Aug 26 17:07:01 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading plugin "websocket"... Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: ___________ START PLUGINS ___________ Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: PLUGIN START: appearance Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: PLUGIN START: last_100 Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[object Object] Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767222118] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding element Last_100 Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: PLUGIN START: webradio Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[object Object] Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767222147] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding element Webradio Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: PLUGIN START: my_volumio Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: PLUGIN START: auto_play Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: PLUGIN START: youtube Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Youtube::onStart Adding to browse sources Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioAddToBrowseSources[object Object] Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767222171] CoreMusicLibrary::Adding element Youtube Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Loading i18n strings for locale de Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: Updating browse sources language Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: Cannot find translation for sourceYoutube Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: mpd , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::initPlayerControls Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getAlsaCards Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: alsa_controller , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: BOOT COMPLETED Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getConfigParam Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: Express server listening on port 3000 Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: Volumio Calling Home Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge kernel: pcm512x 1-004c: No SCLK, using BCLK: -2 Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767222508] CoreStateMachine::resetVolumioState Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767222512] CoreStateMachine::getcurrentVolume Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioRetrievevolume Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767222581] CoreStateMachine::updateTrackBlock Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767222585] CorePlayQueue::getTrackBlock Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Cannot mount NAS Diskstation at system boot, trial number 2 ,retrying in 5 seconds Aug 26 17:07:02 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Data script executed Aug 26 17:07:03 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: MPD running with PID631 ,establishing connection Aug 26 17:07:03 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Setting Device type: Raspberry PI Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767224228] VolumeController:: Volume=undefined Mute =undefined Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767224241] CoreStateMachine::pushState Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767224248] CoreStateMachine::getState Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767224253] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767224274] interfaceApi::pushState Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767224277] InterfaceWebUI::pushState Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Volumio called home Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Reloading queue from file Aug 26 17:07:04 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225648] CoreStateMachine::setRepeat null single undefined Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225650] CoreStateMachine::pushState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225652] CoreStateMachine::getState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225656] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225668] interfaceApi::pushState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225669] InterfaceWebUI::pushState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225680] CoreStateMachine::setRandom null Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225681] CoreStateMachine::pushState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225683] CoreStateMachine::getState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225685] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioPushState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , saveDeviceInfo Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225694] interfaceApi::pushState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767225697] InterfaceWebUI::pushState Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Pushing Favourites {"service":"mpd","uri":"","favourite":false} Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: Discovery: adding c6dcd368-eb77-4ed6-aa21-dd94129ed0f6 Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: mDNS: Found device lauraboombox Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge sudo[1323]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl restart airplay Aug 26 17:07:05 volumiolounge sudo[1323]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Stopping ShairportSync AirTunes receiver... Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Starting ShairportSync AirTunes receiver... Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Started ShairportSync AirTunes receiver. Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge sudo[1323]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge shairport-sync[1329]: Successful Startup Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: Discovery: adding 47d60158-ec28-46da-aec8-6c25ca56783b Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: mDNS: Found device Volumiolounge Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767226247] Shairport-Sync Started Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Pushing Favourites {"service":"webradio","uri":"","favourite":false} Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Pushing Favourites {"service":"webradio","uri":"","favourite":false} Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767226503] CoreStateMachine::getState Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767226504] CorePlayQueue::getTrack 0 Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: [1503767226509] ---------------------------- Client requests Volumio state Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767226514] InterfaceWebUI::pushState Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: [1503767226553] ------------------------------ 53ms Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge sudo[1342]: volumio : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/bin/systemctl start upmpdcli.service Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge sudo[1342]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Started UPnP Renderer front-end to MPD. Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge sudo[1342]: pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root Aug 26 17:07:06 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Upmpdcli Daemon Started Aug 26 17:07:07 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: info: Cannot mount NAS Diskstation at system boot, trial number 3 ,retrying in 5 seconds Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio-remote-updater[578]: [2017-08-26 17:07:08] [connect] Successful connection Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: /data/plugins/miscellanea/auto_play/node_modules/node-mpd/src/mpd.js:189 Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: if(err) { throw err; } Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: ^ Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: Error: Non okay return status: "Title: It's Not OK" Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: at MPD._checkReturn (/data/plugins/miscellanea/auto_play/node_modules/node-mpd/src/mpd.js:353:10) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: at MPD.<anonymous> (/data/plugins/miscellanea/auto_play/node_modules/node-mpd/src/mpd.js:188:18) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: at MPD._handleResponse (/data/plugins/miscellanea/auto_play/node_modules/node-mpd/src/mpd.js:450:3) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: at MPD._onData (/data/plugins/miscellanea/auto_play/node_modules/node-mpd/src/mpd.js:344:10) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: at emitOne (events.js:101:20) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: at Socket.emit (events.js:188:7) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: at readableAddChunk (_stream_readable.js:176:18) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: at Socket.Readable.push (_stream_readable.js:134:10) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio[1251]: at TCP.onread (net.js:547:20) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio-remote-updater[578]: [2017-08-26 17:07:08] [info] asio async_read_at_least error: system:104 (Connection reset by peer) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge systemd[1]: volumio.service: main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio-remote-updater[578]: [2017-08-26 17:07:08] [error] handle_read_http_response error: websocketpp.transport:2 (Underlying Transport Error) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge volumio-remote-updater[578]: [2017-08-26 17:07:08] [info] Error getting remote endpoint: system:107 (Transport endpoint is not connected) Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Unit volumio.service entered failed state. Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Starting dynamicswap.service... Aug 26 17:07:08 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Started dynamicswap.service. Aug 26 17:07:09 volumiolounge systemd[1]: volumio.service holdoff time over, scheduling restart. Aug 26 17:07:09 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Starting dynamicswap.service... Aug 26 17:07:09 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Started dynamicswap.service. Aug 26 17:07:09 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Stopping Volumio Backend Module... Aug 26 17:07:09 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Starting Volumio Backend Module... Aug 26 17:07:09 volumiolounge systemd[1]: Started Volumio Backend Module.

I tried different SD card but the problem still occurs. Access to my NAS was never a problem before…

Is there a way to start volumio without mounting the NAS on boot routine via ssh?

I found one more failure in the log file. Please see attachment.

Could you please send the portion of the logs that came before?

This is not a volumio problem, but rather an issue with the auto play plugin, please contact the developer

Thanks, looks like you are right! I deleted the autostart plugin folder via ssh from the sd card and volumio starts again.

I try to find and contact the developer the next days.

Hi Plusline,

I’m the developer of the plugin.

Sometimes, mpd has a problem with certain mp3 files. To be honest, I don’t know why that happens and I’m unable to reproduce that on my machines. It was the same for two others using my plugin. You can find more about their fixes here: … -283342609

Please tell if that helps.


Hello Thomas,

unfortunately i did not found a solution, jet.

As long I use the autoplay plugin without NAS mount, everyting works fine. When I mount the NAS, Volumio stucks in endless Bootloops… :unamused:
I tested this on different Raspberries (mark 2 and mark 3) and different SD Cards on official Volumio release and current Volumio Beta version - all the same…
