First of all this is my first post here, so hello everyone !
I have been using Volumio for a few months and I really enjoy it. I use a RP3b with a X20 HiFi audio kit (http://www.suptronics.com/miniPCkits/x20.html). My music is stored on a NAS, and I use various plugins such as Spotify and Podcasts.
However my Volumio image seems to get corrupted on a regular basis. After a few days/weeks of periodic use, it becomes very difficult to boot: when I power on the Pi, it gets on an “infinite” reboot loop. Sometimes it finally works after a few reboots, but it get pretty buggy and usually crash after a while. So at this point I have to flash a fresh image to my SD card, and then I can enjoy a few days of well functioning Volumio before the issue happens again.
I bought a new SD card recently (Sandisk Extreme Pro 32Go), but it did not change anything. For information I encountered the same kind of issues with Moode Audio, so I guess the issue does not come from the software.
I suspect the power supply (cf. Suptronics’ website: “Low voltage indicator might show up during boot, it does not affect audio performance”). Do you know how to check if this is a power supply issue ? Maybe it could help to access the log file and to have a look ?
I am a novice user, and would be very glad if I could have some help on this.
Cheers !