Greetings from Hobart, Australia
I am trying to set up my new Cubox-i2eX to run Volumio 1.4.
The Cubox boot up starts OK but then hangs with the message …
INIT: Id "T0" respawning too fast: disabled for 5 minutes
From my Mac Mini, I can see the Cubox file system on my network, so the boot has been partly completed.
On the forums I found that this release only works on Cubox-i4 and that a new release is promised for about mid July that will support all models of the Cubox-i.
Is there anything I can try in the next few days?
OK. I cycled the power and this time I got through to the “volumio login:” prompt.
After searching the forums I discovered I should log in as volumio/volumio (or root/v if necessary).
Logged in OK and now I can connect to volume.local from my Mac Mini.
Maybe I have missed something, but I have not found a document anywhere that tell me such things as how to log in, the options for setting up my music files/library, or what is actually included in the minimal Linux distribution. Are there documents that cover this sort of stuff for beginners?
Then you can do everything from the webui… No need to SSH…