Bluetooth Speaker Plugin

I followed your previous post (20 days ago) to install the plugin.
The bluetooth speaker does get the audio signal but I can’t manage the volume at all (nor through the webUI nor through the physical buttons of the wonderboom). It’s always at full volume.

I guess I used the updated Bluetooth Manager plugin.
How can I help you troubleshooting this ? I can’t send you my speaker :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit :
Oh, i tried again today after rebooting the raspberry and the speaker. Once connected to the bluetooth, it works …
I guess it’s solved … ^^

I’ve updated Bluetooth Manager plugin for volumio3.
Same as previous, it is strongly recommended to try it with clean Volumio3 image not to break your environment already working.

The improvement from previous version for volumio2 is supporting volume control from GUI. Please note that since it is implemented as software volume, full bit output is available only when GUI volume is set to 100%. The volume control in bluetooth device side still works separately.

I confirmed it works at VERSION 3.165 with Raspberry Pi 3 ModelB+ and Raspberry Pi 4 Model B.

Here is the install process: (for volume3 only)

Download zip files below: (4.2 MB) (4.5 MB) (6.9 MB) (6.9 MB)

Access http://volumio/dev/ and enable SSH.
From your local machine (Git Bash etc)

$ scp volumio@volumio:~/
$ ssh volumio@volumio

After ssh login

$ cd /volumio/http
$ sudo mv www www_bak
$ sudo mv www3 www3_bak
$ sudo mv www4 www4_bak
$ mkdir www && cd www
$ miniunzip ~/ && cd …
$ mkdir www3 && cd www3
$ miniunzip ~/ && cd …
$ mkdir www4 && cd www4
$ miniunzip ~/ && cd …

Access http://volumio/
Settings → Appearance
Switch User Interface Layout Design from “Contemporary” to “Classic” → Save

Settings → Plugins → Upload Plugin
Drag and Drop
Please wait patiently as Plugin Install progress will hold at 70% for a long time.
It will finally finish within 30 min with Raspberry Pi 3 ModelB+ and Raspberry Pi 4 Model B.
Then click Enable Plugin. At this timing, you’ll see Bluetooth Manager is still inactive.
After plugin installed, you can switch UI to “Contemporary” or “Manifest” if you want.

Then reboot Volumio once.

After rebooted,
Settings → Plugins → Installed Plugins
Now you’ll find Bluetooth Manager is active (in green lamp)

Settings → Plugins → Installed Plugins → Bluetooth Manager → Settings → Bluetooth Devices → Refresh
Click Connect beside target bluetooth device
Refresh several times to confirm if selected device is connected.


Added on Dec. 11th:
For clarification, this is an unofficial plugin. It could harm other features.
Please try under your own risk.
(@balbuze, thanks for follow up comment)


Thanks for your work.
But I need to bring some precisions::
Using this plugin will prevent you to update volumio.
It is not a plugin as defined for Volumio.
What do you think of making a ‘true’ plugin, conform to requirements?:wink:

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@elehobica that’s some impressive work. Thanks!
Got that working on my Pi Zero 2. Installation took ~15min, pretty straight forward. I’ve managed to pair Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones without an issue.
Interesting that I couldn’t do the same with Ikea’s Eneby Portable. It’s in a constant pairing mode if not already connected to any other source. I could see this device for a brief while… oh wait. I just did but the connection seems to be really poor (though both Pi and speaker are next to each other). Guess I’ll have to work on a line-out to keep it reliable

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Hi there,
I’ve been following the “Bluetooth Speaker Plugin” project with interest for a long time. In the meantime I have deactivated my installation on an RPi Rev. B and i am on the road with a new installation V. 3.165 on a Pi Zero 2 W. I implemented the Bluetooth plugin according to @elehobica 's instructions. It all worked so far. I have the following products available for testing: 2 x JBL Flip 4, 1 x Yamaha Soundbar YAS-109 and a Jabra Evolve 2 65 BT headset. I notice the same problem with all devices: A connect with the BT plugin is possible, but there is no audio playback. Does anyone have a tip for me.
Greetings Andreas

Thank you to @geeks-r-us , @elehobica , and everyone else who has contributed to the bluetooth speaker plug-in.

I’m enjoying your work, but I have encountered a mysterious behavior.

For some reason, Tidal track information does not display properly when using the plug-in.

Instead, a string reading 0.flac? is displayed.

I’m running a Pi Zero 1 W with no DAC or any other acoutriments and have repeatedly reproduced this with a fresh install of Volumio v3.198.

Before installing the plugin, music plays over HDMI fine and the track info displays as expected.

After installing the plugin, music plays over both HDMI and bluetooth, but for Tidal tracks, the track info instead displays 0.flac?'<some long token-y looking string>'

Does anyone have any insight or workaround suggestions?

Hi there,
I installed the BT Speaker plugin as described on a Pi3 B with Volumio 3.165. My BT Device JBL Flip 4 connects. The audio output works. After restarting the RPI, I have to connect the audio device manually via (“Connect”) in the BT plugin. Can the connection be performed automatically?

Greetings Andreas

Has anyone made this work for the newest Volumio3 release (3.233)? I get to the point of rebooting and get a blank screen and “not found” with no ability to connect to the Rpi (essentially it bricks the OS).

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

Thanks for your great work!
I had been trying unsuccessfully for a long time
On Pi 3+ works great, connettet to two associated Sony SRS-XB23.

Thanks a lot!
it’s working on 3.324 with 7" Rasperry touch display.
few issues what I found

  • not possible to change back the UI to
  • not possible to switch it off from the UI main menu
    only way to switch it off is from ssh command line

If any expert can solve it I guess the whole universe appreciate that :slightly_smiling_face:.

You are the best guys!!

Thanks a lot

Thank you for your work!

Does it support only devices with “generic” codes(e.g. 0000,1234, etc.) or is it possible to connect to speaker with a specific code?

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Thanks for trying the plugin.
I have confirmed with volumio 3.324 (under Raspberry Pi 3 ModelB+).
As for the issues you reported, it is assumed to reload the browser when UI is switched.

sorry, I’ve not encountered the device which requires PIN since it is obsolete after SSP support in Bluetooth 2.1.
I recommend to use bluetoothctl command directly to see what is happening if you encounter trouble with bluetooth paring. According to linux - Bluetoothctl set passkey - Stack Overflow, to run agent NoInputNoOutput could let the device change into “Just Works” mode which doesn’t requires PIN. Once you manage to establish the pairing under bluetoothctl, then the device should be automatically connected from next time in volumio as well.
I hope this helps.

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Hi, thank you! I ended up trying bluetoothctl yesterday and it asked for PIN so I was able to pair it (I see the device even in the plugin). Now, despite being connected, I’m not getting any sound from the speaker :sweat_smile: so now I’m in the process of solving this.

Interesting info about PIN obsolescence, I didn’t know that. But still every now and then I get a request for “0000”, “1234” and these are definitely newer devices than 2.1 so probably there are devices which don’t respect or support SSP.

I encountered the same actually as @Laci_Lacko but because I was trying also alternatives to Volumio, when I tried your guide for the second time I noticed that despite cd ... being there it won’t “jump back up” one folder so then www4 is in www3 and www3 is in www (at least that’s on the missing UI option for “Contemporary”).

Unfortunately I see some hiccups on the control via Chrome as well but it works in Volumio app.

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@Sudo Great that you’ve already managed to connect with bluetoothctl. For just in case, about no sound from speakers, note that volume of the device still separately exists besides the volume of volumio.

As for cd …, it seems exactly what happened in that case. Thanks for your remark. I’ve written originally as .., however it has changed to somehow on the post.
so please use below: (I hope it doesn’t change again)

$ cd /volumio/http
$ sudo mv www www_bak
$ sudo mv www3 www3_bak
$ sudo mv www4 www4_bak
$ mkdir www && cd www
$ miniunzip ~/ && cd ..
$ mkdir www3 && cd www3
$ miniunzip ~/ && cd ..
$ mkdir www4 && cd www4
$ miniunzip ~/ && cd ..

Unfortunately that device doesn’t have any buttons for volume control (buttons at all, to be more specific :smiley: ) and it uses BT3.0 (if I remember correctly that version doesn’t support “unified volume control”) so it’s probably at max all the time and only volume of the source is controlled.

At least if I understand you correctly.

EDIT: Ok, because it was quite hard to diagnose I tried Beoplay P6 which has lights and buttons :smiley: , I was able to succesfully connect but again no sound even when I try device volume control via buttons.

Okay. It seems not because of volume function.
Are you trying to play with some other plugins such as Spotify? If so, please try with the tracks located in the local library at frist.
With Spotify plugin, please revise the file as below and then reboot:

$ cd /data/plugins/music_service/spop
$ cp volspotify.tmpl volspotify.tmpl.bak
$ nano volspotify.tmpl
#device = '${outdev}'
device = 'bluealsa'

I have confirmed with the latest combination of volumio 3.324 and Spotify plugin 3.0.6.

additonal edit:
before we go further, please try the fundamental command to check if playing through bluealsa works:

aplay -D bluealsa:SRV=org.bluealsa,DEV=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX,PROFILE=a2dp test.wav

where XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is the MAC address of the receiver device.

Hi @elehobica
Everything is working fine now. …
Really appreciate it :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks a lot!

HI Guys,

It’s working with 3.378 as well!!


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