Bbc radio 6 music

Hi guys, its seems you have most or all other bbc radio channels in your web radio list, which im gratefull for, but i cant seem to find bbc radio 6 music, even when i do a manual search. I did once have maybe on an older volumio version as well as 1btn again something i can longer access. Is this more an issue with the og host. Any help would be most welcome.

Regards, LeeScratch.

Create your own BBC 6 in “My Web Radios” and use the following URL:-

If you live in the UK you can change 96000 to 320000

Once created you can add it to your favourites

Thanks for responce Steve1, its seems textual URL search can only be used by premium members, at least by my attempt… never mind, its usually only listened to, in kitchen on my dab anyway

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The proper quality BBC streams are geoblocked if you are outside the UK too, only a low quality stream works for me here in Australia.

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We improved BBC Radio section following your feedbacks.

What has changed:

  • BBC Radio 4 and Radio 4 extra are now both available and working
  • BBC Radio 3 and 4 don’t get mixed anymore
  • BBC Radio 6 has been added
  • We ensure that all channels shown are actually active
  • Further BBC Radio channels are now added, including extras and international

Let us know if that works for you and if you would like to see further impros.

Keep the feedback coming!

Thanks for the update - all seems to be working fine here in the UK especially BBC Radio 3