Depending on the way one’s services are installed, the basic commands regarding them. After hunting around for the particular combinations that work with volumio, I thought I’d share them here with others:
Restart PHP
service php5-fpm restart
Nginx commands (does not function with ‘service’) Nginx quit
You use the service command to interact with services, e.g. service mpd restart to restart the mpd (Music Player Daemon) service (surprisingly enough). Wondering what services are available? You can find the list like this:
ls /etc/init.d
Services usually support most or all the following actions: start, stop, restart, status. There may be other actions for the service you’re looking at - find out what’s supported by running the script without the action, e.g.
service mpd
If you’re not sure what a service does, the first few lines of the script contain a description, e.g.