I try to build a very basic plugin. It should “just” show the payload of a mqtt message to the user. I think the easiest would be to use a Toast Message.
BTW: When creating a new plugin, it uses the “example plugin” out of the volumio-plugin-source repo. I just wonder why on some functions, like onVolumioStart, a selicolon is missing. Also the Volumio documentation point to the old Volumio2 plugin " ATTENTION: The first step is cloning the volumio-plugins repository, just head there and click “fork” on top right corner"
The coder behind the volumio-mqtt script extended his work so it should emit the message:
volumio-mqtt/ at feature/callMethod · richiewebgate/volumio-mqtt · GitHub → file server.js line 72++
When i start the script and send a message to “volumio-server/set/callMethod 22” it seems to me like that part is ok
DEBUG=socket.io* node server.js
socket.io-client:manager writing packet {“type”:2,“data”:[“callMethod”,22],“options”:{“compress”:true},“nsp”:“/”} +17s
socket.io-parser encoding packet {“type”:2,“data”:[“callMethod”,22],“options”:{“compress”:true},“nsp”:“/”} +17s
socket.io-parser encoded {“type”:2,“data”:[“callMethod”,22],“options”:{“compress”:true},“nsp”:“/”} as 2[“callMethod”,22] +0ms
[7/1/2023, 10:23:42 AM] 22
Now I created a custom plugin where i tried to listen to that message. But, when enabling the line socket.on(‘callMethod’, function (data) { self.submitMyMessage(data); });
doesnt load. When disabling that line the plugin start up an print the message “plugin started”
I expected that when i send the mqtt message, I would receive the message “function called”
‘use strict’;
//const NodeMonkey = require(“node-monkey”)
var libQ = require(‘kew’);
var fs=require(‘fs-extra’);
var config = new (require(‘v-conf’))();
var exec = require(‘child_process’).exec;
var execSync = require(‘child_process’).execSync;
module.exports = notifyuser;
function notifyuser(context) {
var self = this;
this.context = context;
this.commandRouter = this.context.coreCommand;
this.logger = this.context.logger;
this.configManager = this.context.configManager;
notifyuser.prototype.onVolumioStart = function()
var self = this;
var configFile=this.commandRouter.pluginManager.getConfigurationFile(this.context,‘config.json’);
this.config = new (require(‘v-conf’))();
return libQ.resolve();
notifyuser.prototype.onStart = function() {
var self = this;
var defer=libQ.defer();
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage('success', "Yes", "plugin started");
// socket.on(‘callMethod’, function (data) { self.submitMyMessage(data); });
return defer.promise;
notifyuser.prototype.submitMyMessage = function (data) {
var self = this;
self.commandRouter.pushToastMessage(‘success’, “Yes”, “function called”);
return libQ.resolve();
notifyuser.prototype.onStop = function() {
var self = this;
var defer=libQ.defer();
// Once the Plugin has successfull stopped resolve the promise
return libQ.resolve();
notifyuser.prototype.onRestart = function() {
var self = this;
// Optional, use if you need it
// Configuration Methods -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
notifyuser.prototype.getUIConfig = function() {
var defer = libQ.defer();
var self = this;
var lang_code = this.commandRouter.sharedVars.get('language_code');
__dirname + '/UIConfig.json')
defer.reject(new Error());
return defer.promise;
notifyuser.prototype.getConfigurationFiles = function() {
return [‘config.json’];
notifyuser.prototype.setUIConfig = function(data) {
var self = this;
//Perform your installation tasks here
notifyuser.prototype.getConf = function(varName) {
var self = this;
//Perform your installation tasks here
notifyuser.prototype.setConf = function(varName, varValue) {
var self = this;
//Perform your installation tasks here