I use kinsky or bubbleUpnp to controle volumio. When i send a playlist on volumio renderer via upnp, the titles on playlist on volumio playlist are not correctly displayed. When the title has been read or is diffused, the tittle is correctly displayed.
A bug ?
I’m with the last version : 1.51. On raspbery Pi B.
Screenshots to see what i see. Example with an album. I add on the playlist :
When some titles were read, their names are correctly displayed :
UPNP sends the paths to the files/songs.
These paths are put in the playlist, as path.
These are followed on-demand when the song is started.
When the song is started the path is followed and all the information will be read.
When all the information is read, Volumio knows the song name artist duration etc.
In the view you posted *20 defines a space, this could be scripted to actually show a space. *27 i guess thats either a ’
But as i said, the paths are being resolved when volumio reads the files, not when upnp adds them. Volumio just adds the paths and file names how it gets them
Thank you for your interrest of the problem and the solutions/origin that you find. Thanks a lot . I suppose the developement team read this forum and take your opinion… If they can’t take your opinion,… the opinion of simple users… :-/
So, it will be better to have a bug tracker to follow bug and resolutions… Let’s developer take the bug report like he can with these topics. And a big thank to you and dev team of the great JOB that you realize every day !!! Thank’s !!