Hello, I have a raspberry pi 4 2GB, with an original 7" raspberry screen and inside the RaspTouch RPI4 Black Chassis box.
from audiophonics, I bought a few days ago, AUDIOPHONICS PI-SPC REG Power Management / Power supply for Raspberry Pi, a 5V 5A power supply for this board, and I can’t get it to work, it gets hot
As start:
This board needs to be powered by a 7V to 12V PSU. 5V is to less.
Does this work with the rPi4, as They only mention the rPi2 and rPi3?
I think you need to connect with Audiophonics.
sorry I meant 12V 5A
No clue if this will work, but you can take a look:
I understand that it is plug and play, when you turn on volumio, configure the gpio so that the shutdown works.
Thanks, I will consult audiophonics
I have built this in various streamers.
don’t go higher than 10 volts and you should definitely use a heatsink.
you can use the audiophonics on/off plugin.
also works with the Pi 4.
That’s how I have it on, I guess the plate is bad
@jamda74 did you manage to solve it?
I have the same issue…i try to connect LCD + RB4 + I -Sabre ES9038Q2M but nothing turns on…