Artist story/ album credits in Volumio 3 -- any way to turn it off?

I’m really enjoying Volumio since the upgrade to version 3 – very few problems, very impressive audio quality, and an excellent UI. But … (of course ):

Is there a way to turn off the artist story/album credits feature? I understand that many like and appreciate it. But for much of the music I listen to either I don’t need it (I already know too much about the music or musician) or the information that is displayed is just wildly wrong. At present, for instance, I’m listening to an Irish band called Cuar (playing a fusion of traditional and classical music) but the information scrolling by as the music plays concerns a Uruguayan rock band from the ‘80’s called `El Cuarteto de Nos’. And I’m sure they’re great, but watching this misinformation scroll by in endless repetition doesn’t exactly enhance the listening experience. But there doesn’t seem to be any way to turn it off, even when it’s mad wrong – as it often is, for classical music especially. Or am I missing something obvious?

Thanks for your feedback. There is no way to disable it at the moment, but it’s very simple to add.
We will add it in the next release.

Thanks also for the report of the wrong metadata displayed, very useful for tuning our algorithm.
If you have other reports of artists, albums etc that show wrong metadata, if you culd tell us we will insert them into our test procedure and fix them.

I’m not keen on this feature either, very distracting. Wish I could turn it off. I was hoping that the “Now Playing” plugin might have an option to turn it off, but it appears not.

If you use the now playing plugin, it display “Now Playing” instead of the Manifest UI. In this case the info is not visible. (unless you have enabled it in Now Playing)
So not sure what you’re reffering to.

Or in sources disable ‘music metadata discovery’

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Thanks Balbuze, solved my issue, I’m I dumb or what, it’s obvious if you know where to look. Thanks again.

I am not going to call you dumb :joy: , because that would then be valid for me as well. I should have known…