Hallo everyone,
I have a Rasbberry Pi 3B with an SanDisk 128GB microSD card and (re) installed Volumio v2.575 (from 2019-04-23) on it. Then I copied some .flac files to the internal storage/microSD card (via SMB network share) and clicked on “Rescan” button in “My Music” to update add the new flac file to the music database. The Raspberry itself is connected to the internet.
The problem is: there weren’t any artist pictures shown, when I navigate to “Browse/Artist”. In earlier versions of Volumio (on the same hardware) these pictures where fetched from the internet. Album pictures are still working (but maybe fetched from the .flac files).
Web album art is enabled (picture size set to extra-large). I also tried to “Reset Album Art cache”, but it does not solve my problem.
Then I updated to the latest Volumio version 2.587 (from 2019-06-11), but artist pictures still not available.
Is this feature (getting artist pictures from internet) still working? Is it possible to add artist pictures manually?
Regards, Pete