I have been trying to understand why the downloading of artist artwork is so unreliable. Volumio fails to find artwork for many very common artists - in my case it includes artists like Celine DIon, Neil Diamond, Robin Thicke etc. In cases where it does find artwork it is showing an Album Cover rather than the Artist.
The reason for this seems to be that when an artist artwork is requested, the request includes the artistname twice… That means that the request is interpreted as a request for album artwork for <artist=astist> <album=artist>. The result is that if an artist has an album titled with just their name, it is found. If they don’t - it is not found. Examples:
Artist - Roy Orbison
Search - album-art ‘Roy Orbison’ ‘Roy Orbison’ ‘mega’
Result - artwork found
Artist - Robin Thicke
Search - album-art ‘Robin Thicke’ ‘Robin Thicke’ ‘mega’
Result - artwork NOT FOUND
Artist - Public Enemy
Search - album-art ‘Public Enemy’ ‘Public Enemy’ ‘mega’
Result - artwork NOT FOUND
Artist - Dire Straits
Search album-art ‘Dire Straits’ ‘Dire Straits’ ‘mega’
Result - artwork found
In ALL cases where artwork is not found there is no Album with a title consisting of the artists name. In ALL cases the correct artwork can be found by removing the repeated artists name.
I have had a look at the code and the only clue I can find is in …miscellania\albumart\index.js from line 97
album = nodetools.urlDecode(data.album);
else album =artist;
I’m sure this could be sorted out very easily (or maybe just wishful thinking on my part )