Artist Art Doesn't Update Reliably


I had the need to clear my album art cache as I had a lot of tag updates and updated a lot of Album art changes, every album folder has a Folder.jpg file and embedded album art (same image).

My problem isn’t actually the album art, it’s the artist art. Every time I’ve had need to clear my cache, some artist invariably doesn’t have art associated. Yes, I know I can create that manually in /data/albumart/personal/artist but sometimes Volumio won’t find album art for artists like Boston, Chicago, Queen. These should be very easy. When I reset the cache, there’s always a varying number of artists whose art isn’t pulled, 8, 3, 4, 2 (where it’s at now) and the artists whose art isn’t pulled changes every time. I couldn’t possibly keep up creating my own art, nor should I have to. Just did it again, 2 didn’t get pulled, 2 different than last time.

Gotta be honest, after using Volumio for a couple of months now this is the most annoying thing about it.

Is there something I can to to resolve this? If it matters, my library on my NAS has 415 artist folders (not counting the artists on Various Artists albums).
