Allo USBridge Signature AX88179 Driver

Thanks for making these changes Dario! I really like Volumio and learned a lot working on this. @aharman, I’m glad your USBridge is working again.

Thanks a lot !
@skrzyp thanks for the process and the explanations, I don’t have a second PI so I couldn’t try this way but I keep the process.
@Darmur thank you the update has been very smooth and successful :wink:
I still have some glitch when streaming in airplay though :confused:

Wanted to say thanx for this, and maybe get a little help with it. In the same boat with USBridge Sig and Volumio. I’d been avoiding updating the OS, but came across this thread. I downloaded the above linked image to a card, and booted the unit…but no dice. I can’t reach it via a browser. Oh well…I swapped the old card back in (power off, of course)…but now, I still can’t reach it. I get the startup tones, and my router shows that it’s been assigned an IP…but I can’t reach volumio. Any assistance would be appreciated…I don’t mean to thread-jack. Thanx.

how did you install the image on the SD-card?

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False alarm!! It turned out to be some glitch with my MOCA adapter, but I panicked. Many thanks for responding, though. I used Balena Etcher to flash the image to the card.

Thx again!!

I realize this thread is a few months old…but does this mean the ASIX driver for the ALLO USBridge will be included in future releases of Volumio??

Many thanks!!

yes, it’s included

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