I’m experience the weirdest problem: my Allo Piano 2.1 is only playing left channel content - but over both channels! This is regardless of software used (Volumio, Archphile), DAC setting (Dual Mono, Dual Stereo,…) including/excluding Kali Reclocker in the stack…
Running this on a Pi 4, Allo Shanti Power Supply.
I’ve tried all options, all outputs, etc. and feel like I’m running out of things to try. It still feels more like a software than a hardware problem but what could it be?
Has anybody else experienced this? Anybody any suggestions?
Unfortunately, I think my issue might have a different cause. I think I understand the configuration options for the Piano as they are presented in the latest incarnation of Volumio’s GUI (as well alsamixer way) and I went back to Volumio 2.699 for the traditional Dual Mono options but all with identical results: regardless of the selected playback mode, both speakers play the left channel content only.