Allo dual psu

Hello everybody,

Some months a go I bought a Allo dual PSU for my rpi-boss-volt combi, offcourse running Volumio.
After a couple weeks, when I plugged in the PSU I noticed a spark when I put in the wall-plug. From that moment on there was nothing on the PSU anymore. When I plug it in there are no red leds burning. To me it seems like something caused a fuse to blow. Unfortunately the fuse seems to be irreplaceble to me. It is really a pitty, as it was a very quiet PSU.

I contacted Allo about this using de contact form on, but unfortunately never got a response. So I guess I can’t expect anything from them.

I have a old laptop PSU, but this one is very noisy. Anybody a suggestion for an alternative PSU for the Volt?

I just informed Allo about your issue, you will receive assitance soon (don’t worry, Allo is spot on with customer support :wink: )

Hi Svenja

can you PM me with your order number etc ?

Michelangelo and Allo,

thank you both for replying. I tried to send a PM, but as I’m a new user I need to participate more to send PMs on this forum :wink: .

I have the order-id and invoice-id right in front of me, but I don’t think it is wise to post it in public. @Allo could you please PM me your mailaddress?

Thanks in advance!

Just click on the allo and then on “send private message”

I don’t have that option, see the screenshot:

I’m interested to buy Dual LLC PSU and I wonder if it works in my system configured as follow:

HDD connected via USB to Raspberry

Now I use a iFi iPower for Kali (and Piano 2.1) and a battery pack for Raspberry and HDD, my question is:

Can this Dual LLC PSU substitute both iFi iPower and battery pack?

Anybody can help me on this issue?