Kali will allow you to use any slave DAC that you have today…or in the future.

I think thats the main difference.

Thanks a lot for your reply.
This will be my first DAC. I am going to use it with Volumio and may be for Kodi/SPMC.
Do you think it is better to go with BOSS? Or do you suggest Piano + Kali combo?

The Boss is a good choice, fits nicely in a box and should give you good results.

The Kali+Piano2.1 gives you plenty of future options and the Kali can be re-used with other (slave) DACs. You will be fine with either choice for now I think.

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Hi everyone,

I received my Boss DAC earlier this week and I have to say I am very pleased with the music it produces (coming from an Audiophonics V3, the bass boost is a thing I really enjoy).

However, one thing I don’t like at all is the noises I get each time I change tracks. It varies between a soft scratch (like the needle of a turntable falling on a vinyl record) to a very loud click which makes me jump on my chair and really frightens me for my speakers.

I read two pages earlier about someone else experiencing the same issue, so this doesn’t seem totally uncommon.

Does anybody know what causes it and how to end it ?

Thanks for the support,


By the way, I just made a test with RuneAudio and I still get a noise each time I change tracks but only a soft scratch, no loud click … could software play a role ?


Yep audiophile is the headline given but these clicks and pops are not. At this stage I’m not sure if it is the DAC or Volumio

Thinking of it, this has never happened before wiyh any of my previous DACs, whatever software I used … The fact that the noise changes with the software makes me think it has to do with the way the software cuts / starts playing the track. Anyway, this is really unpleasant when the loud clicks occur (their level is totally independant from the level the music is played at)
I hope people from Allo will find what’s causing it, it’s a real big flaw !

well, you don’t really hear a click between tracks when you let volumio play a whole album. But it does click when you choose next track. Can anyone confirm this?

Are the clicks only on tracks with different sample rate ? Or any tracks (same sample) ?

We got no clicks on track changes (same sample rate) some click noise, but very low when we got from higher sample rate to lower (we are investigating why)

Hi everyone,
thank you for answering our messages.

So, to answer gkkpch, I confirm I don’t get any noise between two tracks when I let a whole album play along. Only when I switch tracks manually (either by selecting a new track in the library or by “pressing” next).

I made tests with tracks of different types (format / sample rate) and with tracks of the same type (coming from the same album and encoded the same way). I get the same result : most of the time a scratching noise as the track starts, every now and then replaced by a loud click.
I have to insist on the fact that this clicking noise is independant from the level I listen to the music. It can be very loud, even at a very low playing level. Maybe the fact that I’m using monitor speakers with integrated amplifiers regulated by the hardware volume function makes it more obvious (since the signal coming out of the DAC is quite strongly amplified all the time …).

I decided yesterday to burn a new Volumio image from scratch and found out about the latest version (I had been working with the previous one). I have a feeling that the clicking noises have been less frequent since but as they occur randomly I can’t be a 100% sure. Anyway, the scratching noise hasn’t changed.

Thanks again for any new information about the problem. 'Till then I can try to answer other questions to complete your diagnosis.


We are unable to replicate this problem… can someone else confirm that clicking happens on all tracks (only when clicking “next” manually) no matter if the files have different/same sampling frequency ?

In our tests we get some low clicking noise only when changing manually from higher frequency sample to lower frequency samples.

I hope to not break the rules…but I have found a thread on RuneAudio describing the same issues. … t3173.html

Just upgraded to v2.129. Clicks are there when pause/play ff/rew are used also sometimes evident with mute if a track is playing.

Also, obviously not the DAC, but repeatedly pressing mute often sets the volume wheel to 0 and then the have to dial backup. Mute icon could do with being a bit more obvious e.g. speaker with a line through

Our team is investigating this problem.

Will update as soon as possible.

What we know so far…some clicks (very low volume) are observed with PCM5122 and PCM5142 .

However what is described above is not the same. Loud clicks are not supposed to exist .

we have worked all day on this… and released a new driver that has better mute/unmute timing .

Basically all PCM51xx had some kind of “click:” if you looked at Rune thread , its been present in various degrees since the hardware change of PCM51xx in 2016 (where TI literally removed anything related to clicks from datasheet of PCM51xx)

Our best guess, is that some ICs have louder clicks and some lower . We observed this behavior in our office as well. Seems that PSU/ RPI/OS combination also makes the clicks louder…or not. Anyway we looked at our hardware implementation and found that boards was 100% same (no mistakes , like wrong value resistors)

So with that in mind , we looked at how to fix it. Mpd player , unlike LMS , has a specific way of pausing , FF etc.

We changed the driver so mute/unmute has better timing (based on clicks timing seen on oscilloscope)


(thx you Jai for being at 8Pm at office and finding/fixing the problem :slight_smile:

Great work Jai\Ioan\Allo Team…

I am really stunned by this discover…

Here is a new image with Allo drivers updated, they should be click-less. Please try it and confirm: …

Have the Sparky drivers been updated as well?
(Assuming Piano has similar problems)

No, but if Allo thinks we should then… we’ll do :wink:

Good, then we can add the revised crossover filters too :smiley:

Team is off today , we will revise the filters and continue our work tomorrow. I will be off until Sunday