Album selection via rotary encoder or click wheel?

I have a couple of volumio players. One I use via the web interface in my office and the other uses a 7" touchscreen when I’m in the garage. I have over 300 albums in my music collection (via a NAS).

I am aware of the rotary encoder plug in, but unless I’ve misunderstood it, it can’t be used to browse and select albums. I was hoping to find a solution for my touchscreen player where I can add a physical device to help me scroll through the list of albums (or playlists) and make a selection. Yes, there’s a scroll bar on the right of the album listing, but that’s hard to access on a 7" touchscreen.

An implementation using a click wheel (like on the old ipods) or a rotary encoder would be very nice.

Are there hooks in the code to allow such a plugin?


Volumio doesn’t support keyboard control. So There ain’t much to support browsing.
You might consider an air mouse.
Increase the Zoom level the touch display plugin, so the navigation buttons becomes a bit bigger.

Currenlty playing with a ADS1115 and a joystick. But it’s not very promising yet.