Album art not displaying

Hello… I have installed peppymeter in my volumio + raspberry music player, but it doesn’t show the album art, it shows the album art on the normal volumio screen. I look forward to everyone’s help.

And is the metadata displayed? (title, artist etc)
What version of fw and what version of Peppymeter?

Im updated today to new volumio os v 3.703 & Peppy meter V2.2.0… All skins working but not displaying album art, title, time etc… Just blank…

Can you check this.

import pygame
This show the version pygame
You can close python with


Im not that expert in software… Can you please explain in detail how to do it.

connect to volumio via Putty
and enter these 2 commands

You mean open putty then

  1. Enter import pygame

import pygame

Oh ok… Checking…

You have everything installed correctly. It’s hard to say why it doesn’t show the cover. Maybe uninstall Peppymeter and reinstall.

Oh ok…it was working few hours back but suddenly stopped displaying… Anywats i will reinstall peppy meters once again and update you the status… Thanks

I have the same problem as you,
Could you tell me the reason for this? How was it resolved?

Volumio 3.703 running in X86 Pad,
PeppyMeter /PeppySpectrum can be living, but I can’t see Albumart and PlayInfo.
All skins working but not displaying album art, title, time etc… Just blank…
I use 1280x800_custom_4 of templates .

Volumio 3.703
PeppyMeter 2.2.1
PYGame 1.9.4.post1

The easiest way is to do a factory reset

and reinstall. Pygame is available in the following versions:2.6, volumio: 3.742

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