Hi all
I’m new to Volumio. I’m trying to setup a wife-compatible media player. Volumio could be it, but I can’t get Volumio to properly display our own album art.
Volumio: 2.201 (latest version) on Raspberry Pi 3
Album Art Settings: Web Album Art = off
Tracks: Stored on USB drive connected directly to the Raspberry Pi 3
Organization: Tracks are stored in a single-level directory structure. Each directory represents an album and contains one ‘cover.jpg’ file.
This seems like the simplest possible setup. No fetching album art from the internet. No extracting album art from the ID3 tag. Just use the ‘cover.jpg’ file stored in each directory.
Album art is missing in these places:
- Browse tab > Albums > [grid|list views]
- Browse tab > Music Library > USB > [Name of USB device] > Music > [Wife’s name] > [list view]
In ‘Music Library’, there is no album art anywhere.
In ‘Albums’, every album is represented by a generic record symbol, which is the same for all albums. However, when I click on an album I do see the correct album art (from ‘cover.jpg’), displayed in front of each track. That means ‘cover.jpg’ is accessible, it’s just not being used! Considering Volumio gets so many things right, this simplest of features not working seems strange. If there is any place where album art really must work, this would be it.
This seems like such basic/fundamental functionality. It not working seems like a deterrent to many a potential app buyer. Is it really broken?
P.S: I’ve since found outdated references to similar problems, but nothing current. Will this get fixed? If so, when? Are there alternative approaches?
P.S.S. Enabling ‘web album art’ is not an alternative. I have the correct album art for every single album I own. I don’t want to downgrade to a solution that doesn’t always find album art and occasionally finds the wrong album art (no media player can do that reliably).