Alarm Clock plugin

is the alarm-clock plugin currently developed ?
That’s a feature very important for me as my volumio installations are mainly use by my childrens… (today i’he to stop the players one by one and an alarm would be usefull)
I see some work on this in September by Massimiliano Fanciulli but nothing since…
On the UI Side i see somme work on a clock and sleep components by kurtommy but i can’t find where it could be used…

Does somebody has some usefull status for this ?


Maybe it is not activated because not stable enough…or maybe not… But I have activated it by adding a line in /volumio/app/config.json

{"id": "clock", "name": "clock", "state": "volumio.plugin","params": {"pluginName": "miscellanea/alarm-clock"}}, With that you have a new item in right panel. But haven’t test fonctionnalities…

edit : it returns errors in console…

We developed it but then we stopped… If you want to jump in and fix it you’re more than welcome!