I just purchased a Raspberry Pi to install Volumio to. It works great, but the problem is that I live in a building with a single WiFi network and about 30 people live here. Unfortunately, that means that anyone can connect to my speakers and play whatever they want through Airplay.
That being said, I know that Apple’s Airplay products have a way to password protect the Airplay feature so that in order to connect, you have to input the password. I was wondering if Volumio has a similar feature.
If not, I was wondering if there was a way to disable Airplay from Volumio. Although this would not be ideal, I have a spare hard drive that I can upload music to and connect to the Pi so that I can just play the music off that but control it with my phone or computer.
Please let me know. Any help would be appreciated.
I have no idea about password protecting it, but it should be easy enough to disable airplay completely by stopping the “shairport” daemon:
$ ssh pi@volumio (name if registered in dns, otherwise ip address)
$ sudo update-rc.d shairport remove -f defaults
$ sudo /etc/init.d/shairport stop
That’s the linux way of doing it (or at least one of them), I don’t know if there’s a volumio way of doing it.
I’ve just gotten this to work under version 2.031. Things have changed, as Shairport (https://github.com/mikebrady/shairport-sync) is now managed via a Node.js module, so the solutions above will no longer work.
Here’s what to do:
ssh to your pi, and open up the template for the shairport config file in a text editor:
In the “general” stanza, add a password, like this:
general =
name = "${name}";
log_verbosity = 0;
password = "<your airplay password here>";
Save, quit, restart your pi, and you should be prompted for a password when airplaying to it.
On startup, this template will be used to overwrite the contents of /etc/shairport-sync.conf. Don’t directly edit that file in /etc – nothing will happen!