Airplay not working after updating macos to ventura 13.0.1

Hi, my volumio has been working (airplay and all) before recent macos 13.0.1 update.
After that, I haven’t been able to select the device as sound output device in Control Center (i normally use volumio for netflix output, podcasts etc. when using macbook)

Spotify still plays to volumio, the web-ui opens as usual, and ssh’ing to the device shows that shairplay-sync service is started without errors. I can even see it with the “discovery” app that shows local bonjour devices.

Any idea what might have caused only this part to stop working?

Volumio system version 3.378 here’s a recent log

Today, things just started working again. No idea why :slight_smile: maybe something auto-updated on either end, or just rebooting things did the job