Am I the only one having issues using airplay? My girlfriend likes to listen to different media from her iPhone (Podimo, Apple Music), but when she tries to connect to the volumio player the phone indicates a connection while continuing to play over the phone’s speakers only. I believe this was not one of the already mentioned issues, right? I’m running two Raspberry Pi’s with the exact same problem.
I’m using version 3.779 and have just done a clean install and reset to factory settings. However the issue has not been solved.
Volumio is installed on a raspberry pi 3b, rev 1.2 with an Hifi Digiberry on top. Second is a Raspberry Pi 4b, rev 1.4 with an Hifiberry Amp (2?).
Spotify Connect sort of works, except for the regular issues with the plugin. Thus the issue is solely the airplay indicating it is connected, while actually doing nothing.
To add. another live log, which does seem to show the detection without doing anything
Starting Live Log...
time="2024-12-13T13:14:21+01:00" level=debug msg="put connect state inactive"
time="2024-12-13T13:14:21+01:00" level=trace msg="emitting websocket event: inactive"
SPOTIFY: received: {"type":"inactive","data":null}
error: Failed to decode event: inactive
time="2024-12-13T13:14:21+01:00" level=debug msg="skipping packet PacketTypeMercuryEvent, len: 1723"
time="2024-12-13T13:14:21+01:00" level=error msg="failed receiving dealer message" error="failed to get reader: received close frame: status = StatusGoingAway and reason = \"\""
time="2024-12-13T13:14:21+01:00" level=error msg="failed receiving packet" error="failed reading packet header: read tcp> use of closed network connection"
info: CALLMETHOD: system_controller system enableLiveLog true
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , enableLiveLog
info: Launching a new LiveLog session
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
info: Discovery: Getting this device information
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
info: Discovery: Getting this device information
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: system , getSystemInfo
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: volumiodiscovery , getThisDevice
info: Discovery: Getting this device information
info: CoreCommandRouter::volumioGetState
info: CoreCommandRouter::executeOnPlugin: network , getCachedIPAddresses
Yes, that was a known feature. I have tested with an older iPad running iOs 17.7.3 and then it does work like that. However on two iPhones, from which at least one is running iOs 18.1.1, the audio keeps playing on the phone. While it does note that the device is connected with volumio via airplay.
I can’t really be the only one right? Having tried 2 different iPhones…
I tested with success to play on my hardware… by increasing volume, but you know that.
Can you do the following:
try airplay
send logs (previous log are full of unrelated datas)
Have done the reboot, tried airplay, but I understand the log I’ve send was not sufficient? How can I tell if I have sent the relevant data?
Airplay is still in the free plan according to the site? Sure?
I just cancelled the subscription actually since I’ve been having way to many issues and am a bit too frustrated to pay the fee. No airplay, can’t get multiroom to work, having to reboot a bit too often and the Spotify plugin has only recently improved after more than a year of buggy listening… I know you guys are trying and I have profited from the free version for a bit, but it does make me hesitant to pull the wallet even though the plan was to get the primo.
Anyway, I’ll have a look when back home. I’d still prefer things to work out.