How does this work? Can I use my tablet that I use with volumio and push sound from the tablet to my raspberry pi?
Works for me out of the box. On your iDevice choose Volumio as AirPlay Device. You find the settings when swiping from the bottom of the screen (where you also find the volume etc settings.
Dont forget to enable Airplay on the Settings page
Ok, seems to work. I downloaded ALL STREAM for my android tablet, but it only allowed me to stream music within the app.
I thought maybe I can stream anything on the device? ie like soundcloud…
Allsrteam allows you stream any sound from your android device to volumio BUT :
-free version is limited to 5min and disconnect - you have to upgrade to the complete version if you want more…,
- you need a rooted device
You can try bubbleupnp it allows 20 main in the free version. You also need a rooted device.
I test both from Spotify and it works!!!