Try to start a playlist by click on “>” Symbol (left corner) or by click on … “Play” (right corner)
than music stop playing, titles from playlist are not added to queue
Playback Mode
0. Playback Mode is configure to “Continuous”
Go in “Albums” into an Album
Start playing any title (example the 2nd) by click on Play
only the the title, that was clicked ist added to the queue
same behavior with playlist
How the Playback Mode “Continuous” is expected to work: “You can select the plabyack Behaviour: Continuous will add to your current queue all the songs in an album or a playlist, single will only add to queue the song you selected to play”
Configuration is Playback Mode: “Continuous”
the explation of the mode is: “You can select the playback Behaviour: Continuous will add to your current queue all the songs in an album or a playlist, single will only add to queue the song you selected to play”
in Version 2.777
when i click on a title in an album, all titles are placed in the queue (in the correct Album order)
-> it work as espected
in Version 2.229
when i click on a title in an album, only the title that i have in placed in the queue
-> it work not as espected, it work like configured as “Single”
there is no differance between Playback Mode “Continuous” or “Single”, i have tested, toggle the mode don’t change the behavior.
Same in Playlist and Album.
Just checked that again on my system running on V2.779 (RPi3B & Hifiberry digi). When it’s set to “Continous” clicking on a title adds the entire album to the queue and plays from the selected title on.
Did you save the new setting after changing the Playback Mode?
Ich have not clicked on the cover, i clicked on the playsymbol (triangle in circle)
-> clicking on cover -> adds the entire album to the queue and plays from the title clicked on.
(i love this funktion !! thanks to that)
-> clicking on playsymbol -> only the title is added to the queue
at all, playback mode “Continuous” work correct
so there is only the problem with starting the playlist
can somebody change the threadttitle?