I’m using a miniDSP SHD with Volumio and I really miss a feature.
When I search for a specific album on Tidal I can add this via the three dots to my favourites.
If I search for an artist and look at the list of his/her albums and want to add one specific album to my favourites the option is not there via the menu with the three dots.
I almost always look at albums that way, let alone because it is faster than typing the whole artist and album name. Sometimes I just don’t know the album name and have to look for it in the artists album list.
It feels very clunky that after I checked the album list I have to manually search for that specific album again instead of being able to add it to my favourites directly from the artists album list.
Did I make myself understandable? Or did I miss something? I didn’t find a way to make that work like I described.