I’ve noticed that if you add an album to the playlist, every Album with the same title is added. Here are two sample videos:
http://lab.kionez.org/deliverance.ogv (I try to add Opeth’s Deliverance and in queue I found also the Corrosion of Conformity’s one)
http://lab.kionez.org/aurora.ogv (I try to add Aurora self-titled album, and in queue I found also other artists)
I’m trying to debug by myself but it’s more harder than i expected.
If I add the album via “album view”, it works fine (i.e.: adds albums://Opeth/Deliverance), if I add via “artist views” it adds all albums with same name (i.e.: adds artists:///Deliverance, which means the Opeth and the Corrosion of Conformity one, as shown in my previous video).
In Volumio2-master/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/index.js, between line 2867 and 2870 there is some logic to handle albums inside the “artist view”.
It would probably be enough to modify how the url are generated in the artist view, changing “artists:///ALMBUMNAME” with a more correct “albums://ARTIST/ALBUMNAME”, but it’s far beyond my knowledge
Maybe I found something: the parseListAlbum (line 3294 of Volumio2-master/app/plugins/music_service/mpd/index.js) parses a list of albums with their metadata.
There is a artistsort boolean check (line 3272), which if is true can lead to an empty “artist” variable if there is a mp3 file without “Album Artist” populated, because it ignores the “Artist” tag (lines 3311:3316).
I don’t know if I’m right, but I suppose that the “parseListAlbum” should populate all metadata without sorting information, so I think is better to check if “Album Artist” tag isn’t empty and then get “Artist” tag in order to have all the informations complete.