Add DLNA (UPNP) source (or SMB)?

Hi there,

Volumio looks great, I’ve just installed it, which went very smoothly. My music is all available on my NAS, which supports both SMB and DLNA. Can I connect using either protocol, I can’t see a way of adding DNLA sources? And which is likely to perform best?




I asume your NAS has a DLNA Server on it. Volumio acts as a DLNA Renderer. You will need to push from the NAS to the RPI. Lots of software available to do this. All depends what you are using for UI e.g. Pc, tablet, mac, phone etc.

You can mount your NAS Content to Volumio via SMB Which will move the server function to volumio.

If you want more detailed advice let me know

  • make and model of NAS
  • UI machine, pc, tablet etc. and operating system


Ok, thanks for clarifying Kevin - I have mounted the NAS via SMB, as you suggested (although that’s giving me problems - I guess I’ll post separately though).


OK Toby,

My preference is to use the NAS as the Server and use Volumio as a Renderer. All depends what software and equipment you have available but the NAS is designed specifically for indexing and serving files. The RPI isn’t, it’s just a multi functional compact package and fantastic at the price.

I can advise how to achieve this if you let me know

  • make and model of NAS
  • UI machine, pc, tablet etc. and operating system

Volumio is a project also and not a large commercial venture (like the NAS manufacturers). In my experience NAS drives are more robust to use as the Music Server. If you prefer the DIY experience Volumio is great (and I really like it).

Hope this helps


Hi Kevin,

Ok, I have a Raspberry Pi B and a Hifi Berry DAC. I want to connect this to a stereo and play music from my NAS, ideally controlled from my Samsung Galaxy S3 phone. Is what you’re describing a good solution for that that? The NAS is an LG NAS N1T1DD1.

