Add BBC Sounds on-demand via Web Radio

installed touch screen, attached screen and keyboard, played bbc sounds - no audio !
besides no audio, attaching perirpherals etc is an inconvenience as i control volumio from a pc via the web interface. it would be better to be able to play bbc sounds on demand content via the web interface.

This is the only way at this moment. It works for both DVO and myself.
Maybe not the most pretty way, but it does what it needs to do.

did you open it on the pi and not with a pc?
if u use the commands written above on the pi it will work :slight_smile:
you will see chrome browser on the pi and then you have to goto bbc and then sounds.
this will only work on the pi and it’s doesn’t work if you try the same on a pc pulling it up from the pi.

yes opened with the pi using ALT + HOME and entered bbc sounds on the pi attached screen.

and do you have sound?
uhm strange it works for us what output and dac are u using?

no sound

Pi Zero 2W with iQaudio Digiamp+.
some other querks - cant change volumio theme and volumio totally freezes occasionally - same with various sd cards. i know this is off subject - wonder if need additional settings adjustment ?

pi zero isn’t really suitable any more btw.
i run it on a pi4 /4g with a usb dac i would try if youtube can play sound with the browser
and if you play with volumio it works? ps i was looking at the wrong hat found the right one.

is the mute led burning?

if so unmute it. info you can find here.

Pi Zero works well - only lately freezing maybe since adding more plugins - neither Pi or Digiamp have jack output.
I will try youtube in browser this evening and mute light. youtube plugin via web interface works well.
havent noticed mute light as audio plays via web interface - mute only active on startup.
easier at the moment to stream browser audio to my other bluetooth speaker

not via volumio but if you alt + home does and load via chrome if you have audio then.
it could be that it’s muted when volumio doesn’t play just test all options.